He Compares You To His Ex (Harry)

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Harry- you had always been compapred in taylor swift becuse she was blonde and pretty she had a career and was popular. Harry as always told you that he didn't want her and he wants you but you know that feeling you get when you know you just don't quite cut it. Well i had that feeling and one day harry came home from work in a real shitty mood just pissed off doesn't want to talk or be talked to so naturally you just left him alone and got on with cooking dinner. He came into the kitchen and looked at you really horribly and demeaningly "Is dinner ready yet i'm fucking hungry, Hurry up Y/N" he bellowed you didn't read into it

'he's just angry give im time'

you thought to yourself but then he came down again and grabbed a beer you had just finished outting everything on the plate you were pretty happy with what you made. You walked over to harry and handed it to him he started eating when all of a sudden he spat it out.

"What the fuck is this it's disgusting. You can't fucking cook you can't fucking clean you do a fucking stupid ass job that had absolutley no value you can barely buy your own clothes id ridiculus i wish i had never dumped taylor for you i was an idiot you're nothing like she is was or ever will be. you are a stupid average girl who doesn't desverve me. i waih you could be like taylor i loved her i hate you." he looked you dead in the eye while saying the most hurtful thing you've ever heard. He gets up and walks off to your shared room, as soon as he leaved you just put you food down not even hugry anymore feeling sick to your stomach and cry your eyes out. After about two and half hours of crying you stop just stop crying get up grab a coat jacket shoes and your bag and ever so quietly walk out of the flat. you got out you phone and called Niall knowing he'd let me stay for the night 

*start of conversation* 

'hey niall it's me y/n'

'oh y/n how are you love long time no see' 

'niall i need to ask a huge favor' 

'what love anything for you'

'harrys being a twat can i crash at yours till tomorrow'

'oh my god hun of corse you can come ovenow i'll out on some tea' 

'thanks niall you're amazing'

*end of conversation*

i get in my car and drive to nialls when i get there he sees your face and lets you in he doesn;t ask whats wrong he just lets you sit down he bring you a hot cup of tea and thens says simply "Whar Happened love" 

after telling him everything he just handed me a fresh shirt and some sweat pants

Harrys (POV) 

i had had the shittest day everyone but niall was being a asshole and giving me shit because i'm sick i have a small cold and it'd been taking like 9-10 takes to get the notes right and it's been really upsetting me. I come home today in the foulest mood and i walking into the house when i saw my beautiful girlfriend but i was in to much of a shitty mood to give a fuck about saying hello she handed me dinner and it was nice but i needed to just yell i need to let my anger out so i just yell i wasn't angry at her but i couldnt stop "What the fuck is this it's disgusting. You can't fucking cook you can't fucking clean you do a fucking stupid ass job that had absolutley no value you can barely buy your own clothes it's ridiculus i wish i had never dumped taylor for you i was an idiot you're nothing like she is, was or ever will be. you are a stupid average girl who doesn't desverve me. i wish you could be like taylor i loved her i hate you." i couldn't believe i had just said that i had to go i had to calm down i walked off to our room and sat on the bed and cried quietly i could hear her loud sobs from our room and it made me so sad and i feel so sick i honestly vomited it'd been a few hours and i hadn;t heard her for a good half and hour and i got worried and i came down to the living room to see her cold plate of food and her jacket her bag and shoes all gone. 

Shes gone she left she actually left me

'of course she did, you told her you wanted taylor. It's your own damn fault' 

i grabbed my shirt shoes phone and wallet and ran to my car and got in i called louis then liam then zayn but no one knew where she was i had to call niall he's no where she is they're pretty close 

i call niall 

*start of phone conversation* 

'ni mate it's harry' 

'hey harry' 

'hey, have you seen y/n i had a major go at her and she's gone i'm worried sick i called all the others already please tell me you know where she is' 

'yeah mate she's here at mine but she's not in a good way'

'i know but please i need to tell her how sorry i am' 

'i don't know man she's literally sick. she's in my bathroom thorwing her guts up' 

'ohh god what have i done' 

'i know this didn't start because of her it's because of the boys and they're fucked up comments but you really fucked up harry you can come and see if she wants you but if she says no please respect that okay'

'i know man i will i promise' 

'okay well i'll go get her' 

*end of phone conversation* 

i made her sick with my words, i race to nialls where i see the doors open just a crack i knock anyway and i see niall walk to the door he's upset and angry i can see

"hey man" he mumbles as he lets me in i look at him and then i hear the most horrible sound of gagging and vomiting 

"did i do that to her" i sob out 

niall places a hand on my shoulder 

"yeah man yeah you did" he said sadly knowing that i felt so sick myself 

"i have to make it right" i look at him 

"go on she won't listen to me"

i walk in and see my beautiful girlfriend hugging the toilet sobbing my name 

"y/n" she looks at me with cold eyes and then she flushes the toilet and leans against it 

"baby please look at me" she did her normal hazle eyes now red and inflamed all because of me 

i walked over to her and just held her she didn't stop me so i continued until i was cuddling her weak frame in my arms she cuddle closer to me making my heart swell

"harry you hurt me really bad tonight i hope you know that" she spoke quietly and all i could do was cry 

"i know baby i know i did and i was stupid to think that to say that everything about it was stupid the boys were being cunts and i couldn't help it i tried so hard not to yell but it was crushing me i'm so sorry baby i understand if you hate me but i'll make it up to you i promise" i sobbed into her hair 

"it's okay harry i understand but please come to me next time okay i'm here for you" she was trying to say calmly 

"please don't leave me i know i screwed up big time but please don't leave" i still cried to her 

"it's okay harry i'm not going anywhere okay" she lent over and kissed me on the cheeck. This is perfect just perfect i smile really big and kissed her back 

"now babe come one lets get you home i'll get some dinner on the way home and we'll watch some movies and drink hot chocolate okay" she smiles again hopping out of my arms andrunning to niall giving him a friendly hug thanking him

i walk over to him and gave hime a hug "thank you so much mate i owe you one alright" 

we went home will y/n scremaing at all the boys and me being happier than ever 

i love her so much 

Thank you so much for reading i hope it was alright......  so how are you guys comment your fave boy in the comments i wanna know who loves who xxxx


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