Chapter 1 Wolf At The River

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A group of hyenas covered the grass feelds with there fur as they dashed to the river. They were all thirsty after the hunt they just had. They laughed at each other as they tripped over there feet and began to roll around on the ground. Soon they got up again and started running over to the river. "Hey, hey I see something!" One hyena shouted. They looked over to see a brow furry creature in the water. Its eyes were closed but it but was breathing. As the hyena got close to the the wolf the wolf oppened it's eyes. "Hey where you from lil guy?" A hyena asked.

The wolf pup looked at them and stood up and started walking out of the water. It shaked off the water and sat in front of the hyenas and let them come around and smell him. "Smells like this guys from Yakkod's pack." One Hyena said.

"Yeah your right, I bet if we return this lil guy they'll give us some free food as a thanks." Another hyena said and smiled at the thought of another meal. That hyena picked up the pup and they all started running to get to the wolf pack as fast as they could. The pup having no idea of what was happening allowed the hyenas to take him and imagined that it must be some kind of game.

At this point they were in the mountain lands. The mountain lands were a rocky and dangerous place. They looked around and kept an eye out for wolf caves. As they sniffed the air they could smell other sents besides Yakkod's wolf pack. Some of the hyenas began to growl and non of them were laughing now. They realized that there were no sounds of anyone here. It started to rain so they went into one of the caves for shelter. Brindl who was the hyena that was carrying the wolf pup, put him down for a moment to take count and make sure all of the hyenas were still here with him. Nine other hyenas with in the cave, the same amount that agreed to help return the pup. As Brindl counted he saw something further in the cave move. Brindle tucked the pup behin him close to the mouth of the cave. After that he moved his head in a way to symbol the others to move to the sides of the cave wall. They all moved against the wall and looked back to see something moving.

It was an wolf, once white now Brown with dirt and red with blood. The hyena could smell this wolf was also from Yakkod's pack. "Hey, Can you tell us what happened to ya?" Brindl asked.

The wolf looked at them with one eye closed, it sniffed the air. "You brought Wilrum?" The old wolf asked in return.

They looked over to the pup and back at the battle damaged wolf. "If that's his name them yes, we brought him back. Where is everyone? If I may ask." Brindl questioned.

"At the break of dawn the Rejjo pack appeared. They wanted one of our members but we wouldn't give up one of our own without a fight." The wolf said and they put it's head down, "We thought that we could easily defeat them but they had stronger worries. I was thrown off of a cliff and landed in mud, lots and lots of mud. I walked back here but it sounded like the fight had ended. I... I knew the silent air wasn't good." the wolf's breathing began to slow down. "I'm, I'm glad to know that one is ok. Please protect him from the Rejjo pack." The wolf said in his fairing voice. His one eye closed soon after and the last thing he looked at was the small Brown wolf pup peeking from behind the hyena.

All of the hyenas felt shaken. They were in the cave of a dead wolf and in the territory of a recent battle. Once the rain stopped Brindl picked up the pup and they headed back to there tribe. They did not question if they should keep this child safe is not yet, it was not for them to make the choice.

They got to a dry cavern, it was the home for many hyenas. In the cavern wall's ancient hyenas had made path ways and living spaces to sleep in safty. "What this place?" The pup asked as he dangled from Brindl's teeth.
The hyena put Wilrum down and as they walked said, "This place was named the RenLand, named after the great hyena War Lord Ren. We were once a great empire you see, now we're not that great but We still manage."

Soon they got to the center of the cavern and made a howling noise to assemble a meeting. A big and round like hyena came forth and sat up right on a thrown covered in what was once soft animal fur but now had decaying fur. "Why do you call this meeting forward?" The hyena asked and quickly noticed the wolf pup. "Has it to do with this... This child? Why do you bring him hear? Does he bring an offering from the wolf pack?" The hyena asked.

"Mighty King Deltor I have brought this wolf pup in hopes that you will allow me to take it into my group." Brindl said and when he did the audience of hyenas watching started chatting amongst themself. Some laughed, thinking it was a joke and others started to get interested in what was happening. The king chuckled to himself at first and then stepped down from his throne and walked down to them. He sniffed the pup and asked, "Why have you taken a child of the Yakkod pack?"

"We found him in the river, once we smelled his sent I, along with some from my group set out to return him. There was some kind of battle and it is to my belief that the Yakkod pack are no longer alive."Brindl stated.

A smile quickly grew across King Delhi's face. "No longer alive and this means that the rocky mountains alive are barren yes?" The king asked.

"Well, yes sire, yes it is stranded but-" Brindl began to say be for the king cut him off.

"My hyenas let us go raid the left overs of the Yakkod! Hurry, we must be fast if we wish to get there be for news spreads to others about the battle!" The king bellowed in greed. Hyenas were scrambling out of the cavern like wildfire, some had started running out before the king even ordered it.

"But sire the pup?" Brindl asked.

"Yes, yes the pup. We shall talk about him at another time. Now go, go and get me food and anything that shines from the mountans!" king Deltor ordered as he walked in the opposite direction as the other hyenas. The king was going to rest and eat while the others did his work. It is how they had started to do things after King Ren The Third was mysteriously killed in his sleep and his uncil, Deltor's father took command.

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