Chapter 3 Loyalty

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"Where are they taking him?" The small wolf pup asked the king.

"A place you will go to in time little wolf. Hm... What to do, what with you? Have you hunted before yet?" Deltor asked.

"Yea, I got bird's a few times." Wilrum said.

The king closed his eyes and began to drift asleep again. "When I wake, we shall talk about your new home..." The lazy king said. Wilrum sat there looking at the sleeping day hyena. When he was sure the hyena was asleep by poking it, he started looking around at the different furs. He looked at the tunnel and walked out, not knowing what tunnel lead to where he tried remembering the way that he came from. He started to pass a few hyenas in the tunnel who looked at him oddly. The wolf pup found his way out of the tunnel and out into the clearing which was the cavern.
Hyenas were walking all about, he could smell some carrying food that made him hungary.

Away from Wilrum, in the resting area a hyeana entered. "Sir I've been told by the other guards that you wanted me?" He asked the king. The king woke up quickly. "Oh yes, yes they sent you perfect choice." King Deltor said to himself. "I need you to raise this wolf child into a mighty worrier. One that will fight for is and make us a powerful empir again." Deltor said.

The hyena was fought off guard by this. He didn't plan to train anyone before. "Oh, well if you wish me to I shall raise the wolf." He instantly said.

"Good now take him..." The king said as he realized the pup was not here at the moment. "You should find him for me and I'll make it official." The king said.

Outside Wilrum started to remember his parents and started to cry feeling home sick. He curled up next to a rock as he was now to confused to do anything. He thought of the wolf he had saw in the cave. He tried to remember how he got into the river, he remembered falling and remembered a shiny wolf. It wasn't shiny fur, it was a kind of armor. Before Wilrum could think about it more a guard picked him up.

Wilrum yelped at first but then calmed down when he saw he was just being carried. The guard took him through the tunnels and back to the kings resting area. "Is this the pup?" The wolf asked.

"Ah yes, good job. This wolf pup is your new apprentice." The king said.

The guard put the wolf down. "Hm... Young but I can work with that." The hyena guard said and picked the pup up again. Time began to pass for little Wilrum, Brindl became part of the army and Wilrum was learning how to be a soldier. Wilrum lived with Savhorn, the hyena guard tasked to raise him. One time the wolf, no longer a pup but now a young adult ran away from the cavern. For the brown wolf didn't get the childhood most did, instead of play time and hunting time he was forced to learn to track without sleep and go a long time learning how to servive with little to no food for long periods of time.

They broke the poor wolf, so at one night he thought he knew how to live a lone. He didn't want to be in the army, they never really fought but he knew the moment he was excepted into the army was when the king would try to attack other kingdom's and empirs. Wilrum ran and ran from the cavern, After some time he heard the sound of someone coming up from behind him. He turned to see Savhorn running to him and soon pinned Wilrum down.

"Ah, get off! Let me go Savhorn, I don't want to be a soldier." Wilrum shouted.

"If you run than Brindl will be stuck in that army for nothing! He wanted you to be safe with the hyenas. So stop acting like a silly wolf pup. You're going to join the army, if you don't they'll probably kill off Brindl and his wife. They might even track down that group he use to be with." Savhorn said while trying to catch his breath.

As more time went on more and more hyenas were takes by greed and lust. They wanted more things that were shiny and more food then they could eat. Then one day, early in the morning Savhorn woke him up.
"What is it?" Wilrum asked.

"It's time, come." Savhorn said sadly and nudged him up. Wilrum got up and followed Savhorn up above the cavern To where some hyenas were waiting. King Deltor and the son he recently had stood there too. "Whats going on?" Wilrum asked.

Two hyenas moved and behing them was silver armor for Wilrum. It was time for Wilrum to join the army. He looked around and as all the hyenas congratulated him he felt awful. After the armor was given to him King Deltor brought him to his sleeping area.

"Wilrum, you have lived to expectations. I'm so happy for you." Deltor said and began to cough.

"Forgive me asking but, are you... Are you ..." Before Wilrum could finish his thought the king said.
"Yes, yes I'm going to die... I got sick it seems. The kind our healer can't heal. Wilrum, my son he will take over all and when he does I want you to be his guard. I want you to do everything he orders but before I die I need to create a reason to be remembered like the great War Lord Ren... Wilrum shall you help me begin to take the land, all of it?"

Wilrum thought of Brindl and what might happen if he refused the kings offer. He could kill the king now but then the young prince would take control. Wilrum didn't want to kill two hyenas, definitely if one was a young pup like age. "I will help you." Wilrum said and walked out of the sleeping area.

"Good we shall talk about it after my nap." The old king said.

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