Watching and Waiting

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"Omg Ame where'd you get your hair done it looks so rad!" My lips tightened at Tina's question remembering Kylie's reaction. I faked a laugh,

"Nowhere you guys would go." Tina mock pouted,

"That's no fair! I want to get my hair done too."

"Oh come on drop it Tina let her keep her secrets." I flashed a grateful smile at Tiffany, She winked in reply.

"Uh!" I suddenly felt this massive weight on my back.

"Hey babe." Zeke grinned. I smiled at my boyfriend and grabbed the side of his stomach, It's one of his ticklish spot.

"No,no, nooo!" he squealed in protest.

"Get to class!" Screamed Ms. Fleeks. I cringed forgetting the time and that everyone was there watching.

"Umm so on a different note, nice outfit Ames."

"Thanks Tiff." I picked at the plain white tank thinking. We walked down the deserted hallway my face against Zeke's muscled chest.

"Ames?" Tiffany waved a hand in front of my face. Snapping out of my trance,

"Huh? What?" Tina rolled her eyes explaining,

"We were trying to ask if you wanted to go to In & Out with us. Well, do you?" I shifted uncomfortably under their gaze.

"Not today guys, I-" I hesitated, "I'm not feeling well." Tiffany arched a trimmed eyebrow in my direction. She's the only one who knew, the only one who could.



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What does Tiffany know? What does Mina know? What's wrong with Hester? Find out in the next part!

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