This story is about three girls, Hester, Amelia (Ame for short), and Mina. Hester is girl who is living her life through abuse from her parents. She can't tell anyone for the fear she'll be rejected from society further. Mina your classic geek. Bull...
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Ame walked out of the mall feeling like herself, except for her dark blue hair of course. Freshly polished nails meet the screen of her phone. She held it up to her ear listening to the dial tone till someone picked up.
"Hello?" the voice answered.
"Ame? Hey girl! How does your hair look?" Kylie gushed. Ame,chuckling replied,
"It's great Kylie they did a fabulous job. It really brings out my eyes. "
"Really? Maybe I should get my hair died. Where'd you get it done?" Ame stopped her powerwalk. Talking queitly into the phone,"You know the emo places at the mall?"
"There." She braced for impact. Suddenly a large crash sounded from the other side.
"Kylie are you ok?" she asked worridly.
"AM I OK?" She screamed, but Ame wasn't paying attention. She was watching Mina run . Hanging up on the screaming Kylie, Ame power walked home thinking about whatever Mina saw and how gorgeus her hair looked.