Kage Neko (Shadow Cat)

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I ran out of the house with money on my mind. I pulled up my mask, tightened my fingerless gloves, and locked at my watch. 8:35, I've got time. I ran into the alley on Macbeth hearing the cheers ,I knew I was in the right place. I pulled my hood lower covering my face and snuck up on the announcer.

"And another grand win for The Doctor!" He cheered throwing the crowd in a frenzy. He tossed the money at The Doctor, who was taking his leave.

"Matt." I whispered. He whirled around and looked at me suprised.

"Holy shit Neko! I told you NOT to do that." I grinned and replied with,

"But it's so much fun!" He shot me a deathglare and muttered, "Asshole." Pretending not to hear him,

"Could you-" He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah, put you up for the next fight.  Be carful ok? This guy is a Beast." I nodded my head and moved into the ring.

"A'right folks we have ourselves a little treat today... Kage Neko!" The crowd went wild at the sound of my stage name I heard the money drop into the can.

"Such a sweet sound." I had thought to myself. I heard the thud of foot steps in front of me. Bringing my attention to the beast in the ring.

"Jesus, Marco was right this guy is a beast."   I judged. The bell rung and everything began to go slower. Beast began his charge.

"Left-right-right-left-left again- got it."  Smriking i began to rapidly block the punches and kicks, leaveing The Beast dumbfounded.

"One , two, and... three!" I whispered under my breath. I brought up my legs hard to the back of his knee causing him to collapse. Smiling I began the drill. I stepped onto his stomach and drilled away. His mouth began to foam.
"I-forfeit-the-match." He wheezed. The bell dingedand i pulled up my mask collecting my money. I never saw what was coming.


      HELLO, HELLO my wonderful peeps. I know its weird to get excited over this, but I'm super happy! Over 50 views on my story. I realize that I won't make it to the leader board, but I'm glad that somebody is reading it. I don't really count my friends, cus i know them in real life.( And they still dont give feedback. T-T)  Anyway point is thanks! Have a good one!

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