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The bell rang signaling the end of sixth period and beginning of lunch.

"Thank God!" I thought to myself. I fast walked down the hall towards the only place I memorized on the map. The glorious cafeteria. I ran to the line avoiding eye contact with everyone. Grabbing a tray, I placed it on top of the counter.

"Pepperoni roll and a side salad please!" I beamed at her. Warily placing my food onto the tray she shooed me off to get a drink. I sat down under the tree on the terrace and pulled out my notebook. Suddenly it was snatched out of my hands.

"Hey!" I exclaimed looking up. I saw a jock, your typical kind. Ones who stuff you in lockers and try to kick you to the curb. I won't go into details but afterwards he did end up in the nurse's office. No one touches my notebook. That's all I'll say about that. School passed by with a flash ,thankfully, without a hitch. I walked home at a fast pace cause I didn't want to talk with anyone again. I especially wanted to get home before my parents. Yes they work. They have too if they want to keep their drugs and booze.


Hey peeps sorry for short chapter. Really short actually.

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