Chapter 2-Meeting Mr. Prindle

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Chapter 2-Meeting Mr. Prindle  (FYI pic on the chapter is Goldie)

As Goldie walked home that afternoon with little Johnny, she couldn't help but sneak a peek into the general store as she walked by that building quite slowly. Dresses hung just to the right of the double glass doors on display; any color a girl could dream of. It reminded Goldie of the rainbow she had seen a few weeks ago. Hanging on a fancy stick-thing that Goldie didn't know the correct name for was the most beautiful dress she had ever seen, she would bet a nickel that it would rival even Marie's best New York dress. It was a blue satin with delicate lace trim around the sleeves and at the bottom. She wondered how women ever managed to even make it to a dance without turning the bottom lace brown with dust and mud.

"You're a being a slow poke, Goldie, hurry I want to get home and visit with Ribby," Johnny whined as he yanked on her arm.

"Yes, your silly frog, can't believe you couldn't give the poor creature a better name." she said but she smiled knowing the only worry Johnny had was his frog. She once again started walking quickly past the buildings in town, now in a hurry to get home. She couldn't explain the hurt she felt in her stomach, the pain that came with having to always miss out on everything because you were poor. The town put on all sorts of events for the young people to enjoy and with it only being an hour walk, Goldie would love to attend any of the picnics, dances or other things they have for kids her age. She knew soon enough that she would probably need to quit school since she was already 17, it was almost unheard of for a girl her age to still be in school. Usually only the rich folks continued past the eighth grade, but the Mayor made education a priority and managed to get the government to give each family a farm credit each year they allowed their children to continue with education until graduation year. The farm credit meant food but also a lot of work. Goldie and her mother had already discussed that with Goldie working during school hours, she could bring in enough money to make up for the farm credit and provide for more of their needs until Johnny was old enough to help.

As they began their walk down their long winding driveway, Goldie felt the peace she always did when she was on her home land. That peace was quickly taken when she rounded the last corner to find a horse and a very angry looking Mr. Prindle, standing on the porch.

"It's about damn time, your mother was supposed to have my clothes mended two days ago! Where the hell is she?" he bellowed. Straightening her shoulders and taking a deep breath Goldie knew she was going to have to deal with this herself as her mother was probably still abed.

"Mr. Prindle, I'm real sorry, momma has been terribly sick. What clothes did you give to her? Maybe I...," Goldie began but Mr. Prindle stepped very close to Goldie, so close she could smell his pipe tobacco and alcohol.

"Listen here girl, you tell your momma I want my clothes back and you can just deliver them yourself tomorrow." He said as he slid his finger down the side of Goldie's cheek. It gave her goosebumps and made her stomach churn like she was going to be sick. Goldie stepped back, pulling a wide-eyed Johnny along with her.

"Yes sir, I will make sure that we deliver your things to you tomorrow. Again, real sorry." She said as she ran past him and into the house, barring the door. Goldie peeked out the curtain to see the man climbing on his horse and ride away.

"That man is scary." Johnny whispered.

"I know, let's not worry about him we have plenty of work to do. Get to helping me find his awful clothes so that I can get 'em fixed up and we will get them to him right after school tomorrow and be done with him." Goldie ordered. After fixing supper, cleaning up some and getting Johnny to bed, Goldie sat out in her mother's rocking chair to start mending Mr. Prindle's clothes. She thought about putting an extra stitch her and there, but with no protection out here other than herself, she knew better than to purposely anger the man. Goldie was on the last pair of britches when she heard a horse approaching, she started to run in the house to bar the door again, worrying that Mr. Prindle had come again when she saw a different figure altogether.

Well folks, chapter two is in the books! I was hoping it would be longer but this felt like a stopping point for the chapter.

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