Smack Part 5

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Chapter 5

Following after Goldie, he knew she was angry, but he was unsure of how to fix it exactly. It was only logical to think that his blood heritage could turn her away so he was unsure of why it was upset her.

"Goldie...Goldie," he called after her. She continued to walk and ignore him. She was still nervous around him but her pride appeared to be stronger than her attraction to him. Tate was trying to think of anything he could do to possibly get her to stop and listen to him. He grabbed her again but this time, he pulled her to him and pressed his full lips to hers. Goldie was in such a shock that she acted upon instinct and kissed him back. A few moments later on that dirt road they both pulled back breathing much harder than before; Goldie's eyes wide in shock and Tate's sparkling in excitement.

"Tate...,"Goldie gasped.

"Yes," he said sounding confident.

"That was not okay, you shouldn't, well you can't just grab a gal and kiss the life out of her like that," she said sounding exasperated.

"Why not, you weren't listening and I've wanted to do that forever," he explained as if that made sense and made it perfectly okay. Goldie was left gaping like a catfish out of water. He smiled and wrapped her arm around his as he pulled her along to continue walking down the road. When they arrived back to Goldie's house, she was wondering if Tate was her beau now or if he kissed all the girls. She somehow felt a little possessive over him now that she had had her first kiss with him though.

"Are you going to the dance with someone tonight?" she asked Tate.

"Yes, I am escorting Marie tonight," he said matter-of-factly as if he hadn't just had his luscious lips assaulting hers, she could still feel the tingle of. She knew it was silly, but she had hoped that his kissing her meant something. As she turned to walk away, he latched onto her hand, stopping her. Tate slowly brought her hand to those lips of his holding eye contact with her the entire way, brushing his lips lightly to the back of her hand. "See you soon, Goldie girl."

"Yeah, soon," she breathed and shut the door.

Her mother, feeling good today, had all the chores done and was caring for her brother who still was under the weather. Goldie told her mother of her interactions with Tate today. Her mother warned her that boys are fickle when it comes to matter of the heart. Goldie was driving herself mad with thinking of Marie and Tate kissing in the shadows of the dance. She could not take it anymore.

"Mom, I think I am going to go see how the dance is going. I don't want to show my face where anyone sees, because I am not dressed for it but I do want to see all of my hard work," she told her mother.

"And to check in on Tate and any gal that may be on his arm tonight, am I right?" her mother questioned with genuine concern for her girls sudden interest in the opposite sex.

"I am sure that Tate has many different girls on his arm tonight, momma, that would be no surprise," she replied hoping her mother did not see how her own statement made her ill. Goldie walked to town faster than her feet ever carried her before, but it seemed like the longest trip ever.

Once she had made it to the edge of town she could see the glow of the lights, the tunes of the music and the slight smell of food wafting through the wind. She slowly inched her way to the school yard, trying to avoid being seen by anyone.

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