Preparations Part 4

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Chapter 4

Goldie's heart was in her throat nearly the entire walk to Mr. Prindle's house. Johnny kept chattering away which helped somewhat because at least she didn't have to try to entertain him the whole time. Goldie was so worried that the man may become violent with her that she made Johnny wait nearly a half a mile away, which left her completely on her own as the way to Mr. Prindle's was winding with nearly as many curves as their own drive. She could feel beads of sweat trickling down her back as she neared his home; it was in poor condition, worse than even theirs with the shutters crooked from only hanging on by a nail here or there, missing boards on the porch and it looked as if the man had busted the door down on more than one occasion as it was splintered and looked to be hanging by a thread. Taking a deep breath, Goldie knocked lightly on the door. She could hear him moving around and cursing. The door swung open with force, she was surprised it stayed in one piece, and staring her down was Mr. Prindle. Goldie handed the bag of clothing over to him. Once he registered that it was Goldie that was at his door shoving the bag of clothing at him, he almost appeared sheepish. He took the bag of clothes in one hand and rubbed his neck with the other.

"You know girl, I am real sore at myself for the way I came at ya the other day. I had no right, your momma made me mad alright but I shoulda took that up with her. Now, I don't have no money to pay ya for these as I spent all my money at the saloon last night on well...on man stuff." He said as he looked down at Goldie's innocent, scared face.

"That's okay Mr. Prindle, I know momma kept you waitin' for no tellins how long. We can just call it even this time." Goldie said as she turned to walk off.

"I really am sorry girl, ya know for well for the way I treated ya." He shouted as she walked away. She waved off his apology and walked as swift as her feet would carry her without tripping. When she made it back to Johnny, he was sitting on a log picking at the grass. He jumped up when he saw her coming near.

"He didn't hurt ya, did he?" Johnny asked.

"No, he even said sorry for being mean the other day." She told him.

"Can we go back to the store and get some food with the money he owed ya for the sewin? I want a jar of those peaches they have" Johnny asked.

She shook her head and told him the man hadn't paid her. His little face fell and she felt the sting of disappointment as well as and probably much stronger than he did.

"You know what though we got a surprise at home; Miss Burnett brought some sticky buns to us. What's say I let you have one before dinner?" She asked knowing that would take his mind off of not getting to go to the store to get real food.

"Yes!" he exclaimed as he began chattering away again as they walked home.

The next day, Goldie had to leave Johnny at home with their mother, who was doing some better. Johnny was not, he was feeling sickly to his stomach. Goldie realized how much she missed her little brother's chatter when he wasn't around as she made her long walk to town.

Goldie knocked on Miss Burnett's door and the teacher opened it up quickly.

"I'm So glad you made it and on time I see," she said to Goldie. After helping in the kitchen bake and cook for hour Miss Burnett announced that they must hurry to the school yard, where the dance was being held.

"Our help should be here any minute." She said and just at that moment the gate snapped and Goldie looked to find Tate standing there staring at her.

She wished she had a pretty dress on that would make him admire her; she quickly looked away from him as she felt so shy around him.

"Tate, dear, would you start moving the chairs and the tables; the table needs to be...," Goldie heard her teacher giving directions to Tate as they walk out of ear shot of her. Goldie wanted to follow them but she kept with cleaning the school yard so that it would be ready.

All afternoon, Tate had snuck glances at Goldie. The lady drove him absolutely out of his mind. She was beautiful, all the boys drooled after her and she didn't even notice or pay them any mind. That made her all the more beautiful to Tate. Why had she turned him down? Could she really not go to the dance or was it because of his Indian blood. People here in this town overlooked it mostly, but he wondered if it still turned Goldie away from him. He liked hearing her talk in class too, unlike listening to the mayor's daughter drone on and on. It was nearly unbearable for him to listen to her, despite her beauty. He had agreed to go to the dance with her after Goldie turned him down flat. Now he would be stuck all night listening to that high pitched whiny voice; he swore the only thing on her mind was money and politics.

After all the decorations were up and the food was ready, Miss Burnette asked Tate to walk Goldie home, if he thought he had the time to do so and still get ready for the dance.

"Yes, ma'am," he agreed, right away.

"Thank you for walking me, Tate. You really didn't have to," Goldie told him as she looked everywhere but at him.

"My pleasure, Goldie," He told her as he tried to make eye contact with her. She continued to refuse eye contact with him and they walked in silence for a while. He gently grabbed her arm and pulled her to a stop.

"Okay, look I know I'm not the smartest man but why did ya refuse to go to the dance with me? The truth, please," he asked. He just had to know. She stuttered around for a bit.

"Well, it's just that well, ugh! Okay, I don't have a dress good enough to go to a town affair. I was too ashamed to tell ya that I'm too poor to go with ya, but that's the truth. I really would've loved to have been able to dance with you all night," she said as she blushed at the end of her truthful rant. The biggest, whitest smile Goldie had ever seen broke out on his face.

"Well, so it has nothing to do with me being an Indian," he thought out loud. She just stared at him incredulously. Goldie instantly became angry with him as she could not believe that he would think so low of her and she began to walk away from him quickly. A few moments later he noticed and began following after her just as quickly.

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