Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Goldie continued to inch her way until the whole shindig came into view. It was a sight unlike anything she had ever seen; everyone was dressed even fancier than when they went to church. Goldie noticed that the whole town was dark except for the large open area where everyone was gathered. She scanned the area and was enthralled by each new thing she saw. Mae, the girl who no one usually even noticed at school, was dancing with Archie Gellar and they were both smiling from ear to ear. Others were gathered by the punch bowl and the food tables. Goldie could feel a smile slipping up her cheeks just watching everyone have a good time.

She continued to scan the area looking for Tate and Marie. She found them just as the music changed over to a slow song and Marie snaked her lanky arms around Tate's neck. Goldie half expected that Tate would appear annoyed or even shrug her arms off and put her at an appropriate distance for a public date, but instead he looked as if he were enjoying whatever she was saying to him as he swayed slowly with her on the make-shift dance floor.

Goldie heard a noise behind her but before she could turn a hand was over her mouth, fear instantly gripped her. She realized that she had made a huge mistake by sneaking around, of course there could be riff raff hiding about watching the affair as well.

"Come to see me did you, my sweetheart." Butch Steel whispered in her ear. She shook her head violently for a resounding no. "Ah, no, now you've gone and hurt my feelings honey. If you didn't come here to see me, then I may just get angry with you." He replied to her silent answer. Tears were threatening to roll out of her eyes but she was trying her best to keep them at bay, tears would only encourage him. "You know all these girls here get all gussied up and spent all that money on dresses, jewelry and make-up and here you are in your rags outlookin' every one of 'em." Butch said as he let his hand span her abdomen. As Goldie clamped her eyes shut in the dark of night the inevitable tears rolled down her cheek as the fear sank all the way to her feet, she was just frozen in panic.

"Get your grubby, rich hands off that little girl, now or we will have to get loud back here," slurred out Mr. Prindle.

"Go on Prindle, your drunk anyway so no ones gonna listen to ya," Butch laughed as he tightened his hold on Goldie. When she whimpered, Mr. Prindle lunged at Butch, being drunk he didn't hit his mark but it did scare Butch enough that he let go of Goldie and she ran, ran as fast as her feet would carry her. She didn't look back at Butch, she didn't look back at Mr. Prindle or all of the people having a great time. She just ran and ran until she couldn't breathe anymore.

Short chapter, please let me know what you think...comments appreciated!

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