Good day

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Goldie breathed in the fragrant smoky smell of bacon. She snuggled further into her cozy, warm blanket wanting just a few more minutes of peace. Suddenly, Goldie bolted upright. Without a thought to her robe, she ran to the kitchen. There her mother, Rebecca, was hair braided, dressed and cooking breakfast.

"Mom, where did we get bacon?" Goldie asked as she stared at her mothers back. Mother turned around with a bright, white toothy smile.

"Mr. Pringle came to check on you and brought his payment for the clothing you sewed up for him." Mother pointed to the refrigerator. I ambled over to the fridge and gently opened the door to see eggs, more bacon and several other food items.

"Wow, that's something." I said in awe.

"Want to tell me why he felt he needed to check up on you?" Mother asked. I sat down at the table and spilled my guts about everything she had missed.

"Mr. Prindle truly is harmless." Mother said with a sigh. "He has had trouble with the drink ever since his wife, Sarah died about five years ago."

"I had no idea." I replied.

"Now just what are we going to do about that rotten boy at school? Goldie you have to realize you are a woman now and men, boys are going to see you as a woman. With no man around we have to protect ourselves." Rebecca said in a serious tone.

"But mom, I am the man of the house, member?" Her brother said with as much indignation as someone under four foot could muster.

"Of course you are, baby." Rebecca said as she mussed his already messy hair.

A knock on the door sounded. Goldie jumped to answer it. As she swung the door open she was shocked to see Tate standing there. He was so tall she had to look up quite a ways to see his eyes. He quickly removed his cap, holding it in front of him with both hands.

"Goldie, I was wondering if you would be willing to take a walk with me?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2020 ⏰

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