109 Days Before

2.4K 94 3

Once again, the blue ink of the mysterious pen had been scribbled about the palm of his hand. A majority of the text was messy enough to point where it became illegible, but at least the most important parts were clear enough for Simon to read.

Pitch @ mary 14

He could only guess on how to decipher the jotted note. Whoever his soulmate was, he planned on suggesting an investment in a planner or something similar. He glanced once again at the writing, mentally attempting to decode as he sat in the silent car, unmoving in the parking lot of one his favored restaurants, Nando's. The pitch? Maybe the football pitch if anything, but when trying to decide the mary part, nothing in London came to mind.  The 14 stuck out to him only as the simple time of 14:00.

With what little he had from the message he surfed through the list of football pitches he had visited, but unfortunately, anything including the name mary was nowhere on the list. He just hoped that this girl on the other side of the ink would write something he recognized soon.

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