Chapter 5~ The Encounter

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(Don't play the music)

Things to look out for~
Y/N=Your Name
L/N=Last Name
F/N=Fake Name
F/L/N=Fake Last Name
H/C=Hair Color
H/L=Hair Length
E/C=Eye Color
C/N=Cats Name(There's a reason it's a cat and not a dog this will be explained in the future)
H/N=Horse Name
F/C=Favorite Color
S/F/C=Second Favorite Color


Who saved our little fire stone princess?- "Could you stop calling me little I'm 17 for crying out loud!" Hey no breaking the 4th wall!"ugghh, Fine... but stop calling me little!!!" Okay!.. jeez .... anyway- Who saved our princess from the shadowknights? Has Aunt Coral come back to save the day? Who was that woman from the dream? Where have you heard that melody? All will be answered don't worry...


I felt a warm feeling brush over me as I slowly opened my eyes. I saw a bright orange and yellow flame.... it felt..... comforting. I slowly sat up seeing I was in a sleeping bag underneath a sort of... shelter. It had two poles sticking from one end and on the other end it had a cream colored cloth attached to the top and it leaded down and staked into the ground.(I know confusing I'll post a picture next chapter) It was night and freezing so I scooted a little closer to the fire and wrapped the blanket around me. Suddenly I snapped back into reality, My weapons!!! I looked around to see my F/C backpack and weapons right next to me. I touched my head....good my hood was still on. I lifted a hand to my chest my necklace was still there thank goodness. Suddenly a branch broke and as quick as lightning I grabbed my bow and jumped into a nearbye tree branch and took aim at the sound. A figure with dirty blond hair and orange cat ears emerged from the shadows with his hands up. His face was looking down so I couldn't see him clearly. He spoke" What's your name?" " Why should I tell you?!" I said annoyed. He put his hands down to his sides and raised one arm towards his back where his sword was. I pulled my bow back even further ready to shoot when... he raised up his other hand motioning me to stop while pulling out his sword and...dropping it on the ground? He started walking around the camp doing normal stuff like...I wasn't even here with an arrow aimed at his head." H-hey what are you doing?!" I asked confused." You wouldn't hurt an unarmed person epescially one that *ehem... saved your life." He said calmly... his icy blue eyes pierced through me and a wave of guilt washed over me. I slowly put down my bow, but then I lost my footing and fell backwards of the tree branch. I shut my eyes tightly waiting for the pain of the ground but it never came instead... a warm tingly feeling shot through me. I slowly opened my eyes to see the mystery man carring me in his arms.... thank goodness my hood was up or else he would be able to see my blushing red face. I squirmed but he held on tighter" Jeez... your such a handful" he said looking down at me. I jumped up out of his arms and sat down next to the fire. He sat down next to me and said" I'm Laurance and you are?" I can't tell him my real name "F-F/N, F/N F/L/N". He then put on a face that basically said oh really... he then moved so he was on all fours in front of me and started crawling towards me. I backed up a little hitting my back up against the inside of the shelter. He crawled closer and closer his face inches from mine. He raised his hand and pulled my hood down exposing my blushing face and F/C wolf ears. He started moving towards my left wolf ear before he did this I could see he was blushing a little... it was clear this was an act. I could feel his warm breath brush across my left ear this made me shiver I tried scooting to the right but he placed his hand on my shoulder locking me in place. I moved my knees up to my chest and sqeezed my eyes shut. He then said in my ear " Your real... name" my ears twitched from the heat of his breath."T-that was m-my real name" I managed to whisper in a soft voice. He then moved even closer to me his body was on top of mine at this point but my back was still at the edge of the shelter. He moved the hand that was on my shoulder and started scratching behind my ear... he found it... he found my weak spot. My eyes shot wide open and my body grew numb I rested me head on the back wall. It was like the energy was being drained out of me small pants escaped from my mouth every now and then."P-Please S-Stop" I managed to breath out in between pants. He put his head next to my ear again and said " Real name then...I'll stop." I didn't want to tell him but he won I was defeated already and he knew it he had and smirk on his face. Oh I'm so going to get you back for this Laurance! I mentally screamed in my head."Y/N L-L/N." He then stopped everything and walked towards his sleeping bag. I was still a little dazed and confused" Wait... w-what?!" I nearly shouted "I got what I wanted so I win" he said calmly wrapping himself in his sleeping bag. "B-but-" I said but then in one swift motion citing me off... he was on all fours again his face right in front of mine we were both blushing but my face was completely red while his only a little red. " What are you saying... you want me to continue?" he said while lifting up his hand towards my ear. My eyes went wide my face turned even more red I then quickly said "N-No!" And wrapped my head in my sleeping bag. He laughed a devilish laugh and said in sweet voice "goodnight Y/N." After that I drifted to sleep.

Dream World

I woke up to see I was in the middle of a forest with a small hill leading to an ocean view. I heard faint singing coming from the hillside I ran up the hill to see a woman singing a familer song (play music)

Woman singing (Alone)

Are you
Are you
Coming to the tree
They strung up a man they say who murdered three

Strange things have happened here no stranger would it be

If we met at midnight in the hanging tree

Are you
Are you
Coming to the tree
Where dead man called out for his love to flee

Strange things did happened her no stranger would it be

(My mouth started moving and I sang with her)

You and The Woman singing(together)

If we met at midnight in the hanging tree

Are you
Are you
Coming to the tree
Where I told you to run so we'd both be free

Strange things did happen here no stranger would it be

If we met at midnight in the hanging tree

Are you
Are you
Coming to the tree
Where a necklace of hope side by side with me

Strange things did happen here no stranger would it be

We met at midnight in the hanging tree

Are you
Are you
Coming to the tree
Where i told you to run so we'd both be free

Strange things did happen here no stranger would it be

If we met at midnight in the hanging tree

Are you
Are you
Coming to the tree
They strung up a man they say who murdered three

Strange things did happen here no stranger would it be

If we met at midnight in the hanging tree

Are you
Are you
Coming to the tree
Where a dead man called out for his love to flee

Strange things did happen here no stranger would it be

If we met at midnight in the hanging tree


"You are special you are strong you will... survive." She said as the melody faded out and it all faded to black...

Well that's the end hope you enjoyed this week will be busy so sry if I can't post as often anyway give ideas for things and oc's you want to see in the story and with that...
Stay Minty my friends ~♡

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