Chapter 14~ Enticing

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Note to all readers, I'm changing my writing style a bit! How this is gonna work is each chapter will be from the point of view of ONE character. The POV won't change till the next chapter and just in case anyone is confused at the beginning of each chapter it will say the name of the character that the POV is in. Most will just be you and Laurance. Most of the time the next chapter will be the last chapter from the POV of the other person mostly involved and some story after that. Then it will continue like this. For example, say the first chapter is someone eating a donut and the next is from the donuts POV of being eaten and then digested. Good? Good.






'Brrr. . . I know Pikoro is supposed to be cold, but this really takes the cake.' I wrapped the fuzzy blanket around my shoulders. To my disappointment, I was still freezing. I sighed watching my breath dance in the frigid air 'Better get moving or I'll only get colder'. I glanced at the clothes placed near my feet, 'When did he find my snow jacket? How sweet.' I shook my head, heat rising to my cheeks as I dressed. Walking out, I saw Laurence placing a blanket on H/N then putting a few things in his saddle bag. 'Guess I forgot we're leaving soon. . . but this place is so peaceful'. I walked back inside and grabbed the blanket, rolling it up while walking outside. My attention fully focused on packing up the blanket and the sound of my own footsteps crunching in the snow, I ended up bumping into something or rather. . . someone. "Hey sleepy-head, are you awake yet? or are you normally this clumsy first thing in the morning?" Laurance chuckled, placing his hands on my shoulders steading me.

"OH! Um . . . clumsy me sorry, I'll just go put this away now." I ducked out of his grip and walked towards H/N. I could feel the contrast of my warm nose and cheeks to the cold morning air. I pushed my crimson face into the blanket as I walked, finding comfort in it. 'Its not normal for me to be flustered like this but then again this is. . . my first real interaction with someone'. Reaching H/N, I placed the blanket into the side strap fumbling with the buckle. The feeling of Laurance watching my every move didn't help much either. Finally attaching the blanket firmly into place I stepped in front of H/N, petting his soft nose to comfort him. He pushed his head into my side and started rubbing against me, making me laugh at how affectionate he was. Taking a glance around me, I noticed that Laurance was, indeed, staring. It made the corners of my mouth perk up into a small smile.

Eventually getting H/N to stand still, I stepped quietly towards Laurance. "It's not polite to stare, Laurance." I whispered while walking past him into the igloo. I caught a glimpse of his cheeks turning a darker shade of pink, ' We have a competition going on and I am not about to loose to a flirt'. Looking around the inside of the igloo, I didn't see her. 'Where did that sweet kitten run of to this time?'

"Y/N are you looking for C/n?"

"Yeah, where is she?"

"Put your hand into my pocket."


"Shh, You'll wake her up."

Before I could give it much thought, he took my right hand in his and placed our conjoined hands in his pocket. My shock didn't last long as I felt the soft fur of a kitten sleeping soundly. A warm feeling spread from my heart throughout my body as her quiet purring continued. It suddenly became acutely aware to me of how close we were standing. ' I wonder if he can hear my heart beat?' A specific spot of snow between my feet suddenly became the most interesting thing in the world.

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