Chapter 12~ Cold Flame

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Things to look out for~
Y/N=Your name
L/N=Last Name
H/L=Hair Length
H/C=Hair Color
E/C=Eye Color
C/N=Cats Name(There's a reason it's a cat and not a dog this will be explained in the future thank you)
H/N=Horses Name
F/C=Favorite Color
S/F/C=Second Favorite Color


As our hero's head out for Pikoro village something unexpected gets in their way...Disregarding that, our hero's have a steamy blaze igniting between them in the harsh cold of Pikoro, you could say they have Cold Flame keeping them warm and toasty....

Laurance's POV

H/N was startled by me suddenly mounting her but there was no choice.They had come for us, they found us, their hunting us.

H/N was now at a full gallop. She seemed comfortable with me riding her but I couldn't tell, what is chasing us has her spooked, way more than I did mounting her .

I took a quick glance at Y/N, ....she's frozen. Like she's in a block of ice, she didn't move, her skin was cold to the touch.
Her face was turned towards the Devils that are chasing us. Her eyes, filled to the brim with terror, even gave off this freezing sensation. " Y/N!" I shouted, but she didn't move.


Everything went in slow motion when I saw them chasing us. The Shadow knights... they came for us.

I could feel their anger, their sorrow. It filled my entire body with emotions.
I wanted to just hold my head and block out the sounds... of their screaming.

Their anger and sorrows filled my body like I was drowning. It was overwhelming...
-the pain they felt was unbearable even from this point of veiw.

I froze, the fear of being captured and sent back to that awful place had me frozen.

Everything started to blend together, my vision went hazy.
Before I could pass out, I heard a faint voice calling for me, it sounded familiar yet oddly strange.

I snapped out of my trance to Laurance shaking me and calling my name.
"Y/N wake up!" He shouted, shaking me violently with his one free hand.

" H-How did they find us?" I said barely getting out the words.

"I don't know, but you need to shoot them...Now!" Laurance said.

Though it was faint I could see the fear in his eyes but, why should he be afraid?
Isn't he one of them? I'll find out later right now I have to help.
I grabbed my bow from my back and tried aiming. With H/N shaking around and the knights incredible speed it would seem almost impossible to hit them.

I took a deep breath and focused. My aim set on a girl with white hair and pale skin.
Her eyes, red but all knights eyes turn red in transformation.

I closed my eyes and a faint memory of me training with my aunt in the meadow, made me smile.
She taught me how to tipp arrows.

Infusing them with magical energy, can make them even more dangerous and deadly than they already are.
My eyes turned F/C as a small aura appeared around the tip of the arrow. My hair whipped back and forth in the wind,
-I took a deep breath and everything went in slow motion. I aimed at the girls leg and fired.

Direct hit, she fell to the ground one knight stayed behind while the other kept following us. I grabbed another arrow and aimed at the mysterious figure.
He was fast, he didn't stay in one place more than a second. I changed the arrows purpose instead of stunning magic I could use smoke screen magic.
While stunning them is more affective, smoke screen will give us more cover and slow them down.
I changed the aim to right behind H/N and fired. The smoke filled the empty space like fire. No figure was seen behind us and we were safe for now.
My heart was racing and all the blood rushed to my head.

"L- Laurance?" I whispered, looking up at him. He smiled at me before I passed out.

Laurance's POV

Guess she passed out, huh?
Well duh that parts ovious...
Okay okay, jeez if you want her all to yourself at least be subtle about it...
*face turns red* I-I never said that!!!
But you were think'en it

(HAHA HE GOT YOU GOOD LAURANCE XD...*ehem* moving on)

Anyway were almost to Pikoro so we best make a fire and put some warmer cloths on,quick.
Your not ganna dress Y/N right?
WHAT???!!!No!!! I'll just put a blanket over her.
Yeah sure, I hope you know I'm in your head
Okay ignoring you now...

I slowed H/N down and jumped off with Y/N in my arms bridal style.
Her necklace was glowing a bright F/C she looked so peaceful. I set her down on the snow floor and quickly set up camp and a fire.

*Poke* Poke Poke* "Grrrhhh what?" She said groggy. "Were safe now " I said smiling. "Where's our tent?" Y/N asked looking around.
I scratched the back of my neck " it fell of while we were riding" I said. " sigh* help me make a igloo" she said getting up and dusting the snow off herself. " we'll freeze in an istant!" I shouted." No we won't, igloo's keep the warm air in" Y/N said as she started making cubes of snow. " If you say so" I said skeptical.

Time skip* brought to you by Ice Bear
Ice bear loves the igloo


We crawled inside and it was much warmer than I'd expected. " It'd cozy in here" I said. " S-Speak F-For yourself! *achoo*" Laurance complained while shivering.
" Well what do you suppose we do then?!" I said annoyed. " We strip and use our body heat to stay warm *Achoo*" Laurance said smirking a little.
My face went tomato red as i punched him he fell backwards into the snow.

Nice you killed him
he's just playing dead
Nope he has hypothermia.. killed by his own lover so sad
SHUT UP!!! I'll fix this

My face turned red I knew what I had to do to keep him from freezing.

I unbuttoned his shirt. Then took of mine. I layed on his chest and tried to give Laurance as much body heat as possible. That wasn't really a problem since my face was red.
" Please don't die on me" I said as everything faded to black.

Hey what up readers~ did you enjoy this chapter, yes I took it from Familiar of Zero but it's the best anime ever!!!!

Stay Minty my friends~♡

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