Trust Me

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* = Alagaësian Dwarvish - Stonehead


We woke early the next morning, eager to continue our journey. Thorin asked me to ride with him today, but I decided to ride with Bilbo today - after all I am protecting him. May as well get to know him. When I told Thorin of this, he grunted in response and turned to walk to his pony, an air of disappointment about him. Odd...

The Company mounted their ponies and we were off. I was behind Bilbo and in front of Balin, near the middle of the Company. The day looked a bit gloomy at first and at around noon it began to rain. We're now soaked head to toe, the ponies splashing mud as they trudge along the Great East Road. The Dwarves are now gloomy and bitter, the rain washing away their happy mods. I was having a blast, this cloak and hood were killing me in the sun. Gandalf, you Knurlneim* lets just get this over with!

While I mentally shouted abuse at the Wizard, whom I'm sure could hear me, Dori decided to finally break the long silence. "Here, Mr Gandalf, can't you do something about this deluge?" The Wizard looks back at the old, irritated Dwarf.

"It is raining, Master Dwarf," Gandlaf replies calmly, "and it will continue to rain until the rain is done. If you wish to change the weather of the world you should find yourself another Wizard." This sent Dori quiet, clearly not happy by the Istari's repsonse.

"Are there any?" Bilbo asks, catching the Wizard off guard.

"What?" Gandalf's confusion causes a snicker to escape my lips.

"Other Wizards." Bilbo clarifies.

"There are five of us." Great, a history lesson. "The greatest of our order is Saruman the White." Boo! "Then there are the two Blue Wizards..." There's a thoughtful pause from Gandalf. He's forgotten their names, hasn't he? "Do you know, I've quite forgotten their names."

"Alatar and Pallando." I add into the conversation, my young half-Elven mind clearly more sharp than the old man's.

"Thank you, Zorina." Gandalf smiles over his shoulder at me. I roll my eyes, though no one can see because I still have my hood up, GANDALF!

Back from my mental screaming. "And who is the fifth?" Bilbo asks, the question clearly directed at either Gandalf or myself. Whichever one felt like replying first.

"That would be Radagast the Brown." I pitch in.

"Is he a great Wizard?" Bilbo asks. "Or is he more like you, Gandalf?" I cover my mouth to hide my giggles. The look of absolute hurt on Gandalf's face is priceless. Come on, Zorina. Be nice. I take the reigns considering Gandalf looks to hurt to speak. "I think he's a very great Wizard - in his own way. He's a gentle soul who prefers the company of animals to others. If it wasn't for him, Mor'ranr would have died."

"Who's Mor'ranr?" Bilbo asks.

"My Feldûnost," I explain, "a species of giant goat native to the Beor Mountains back in my homeland. Mor'ranr was on the brink of death after we crossed the Grey Mountains. Radagast saved her. We were lucky he was there that day, he usually keeps a watchful eye over the vast forest lands to the east."

A Tale of Swords and Dragons: The Journey Begins. A 'The Hobbit' FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now