6 - Showers

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I slowly pad out of my hiding spot. The place I had been watching Stiles try to figure out how to open the basement door. I simply had a feeling of what he was going to do. A small glimpse into his near future. It was late at night and most guards were placed on guard on the first floor. A few were walking around, but they didn't come to this floor that much. 

My head tilts to the side, a small smile casted on my lips at Stiles' frustration. He's been searching for a key for the past few minutes. "What are you doing?"

Stiles gasps, whirling around. His eyes are wide and held with panic. He must have thought he had been caught by an orderly. 

A giggle slips between my lips. He's cute when frustrated and scared. I stroll closer to him with a smirk on my lips. The more I'm around him, the more I see of his future. The visions are only small glimpses, but it's enough for now. Before, I didn't see anything about him. 

He pats his chest, relieved. Stiles motions to the basement door. "I need to get through here, to the basement."

I shake my head. "Doctors don't even have a key to this door, only Brunski."

"Is that the head orderly?" Stiles questions.

I nod, "He's got keys to everything in here. Trust me, I would know that. Before Malia came around, I'd steal his keys and go exploring. There's not a part of this place that I haven't seen."

"Does he keep them on him all the time?" Stiles asks me.

I tilt my head to the side, watching him. "If you want them," I take a couple steps backwards, enjoying the feel of Stiles' eyes trained on me. I continue to back away from him. "You'll probably have to figure out a way to trick him. Lucky for you, I know exactly how you do that." I flash Stiles a smile before spinning around and racing down the hallway.

"Wait-" Stiles calls out in a low whisper.

I run down the hall and make a sharp left, racing into the boy's bathroom. Malia's head snaps up from where she is showering, but, aside from that, she ignores me. I walk over to my bathroom bag for my shower supplies. I've seen how this whole conversation goes down in my bed. I saw it before I even left my room to go find Stiles. 

I step underneath the shower head, furthest away from Malia. Being in Eichen House for so long, I've grown used to showering with just about everyone. There's even a few guys that have been showering while I just walked right into their bathroom. At first, they freaked out, but they learned not to mess with me and we wouldn't have a problem. 

I turn on the water, counting out loud. "Five, four, three, two..."

The bathroom door pushes open and Stiles walks towards the sinks, completely unaware that he had walked in the correct spot. Before I had raced inside, I saw that he wasn't chasing me. Yet, he still ended up finding me anyways. The bathroom is pretty steamy, though. He's bound to figure it out.

"Okay. Okay, just got to stay awake, Stiles." He mumbles to himself, fumbling with the pill bottle that Mrs. Morrell gave to him. 

I lather my hair up with some of the shampoo that is given to us. The shampoo and conditioner is some off brand, that only ends up making our hair feel ten times more dry. 

"You just gotta-" Stiles trails off when he spots Malia and I showering in the other part of the bathroom. His eyes falling down my body for a brief second. 

Part of me is saying to cover up, but I feel no shame. I just continue to wash the shampoo out of my hair before reaching for the conditioner. 

"Don't worry, Stiles, you didn't just accidentally walk into the girl's room." Malia yells over to him.

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