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Chapter Twelve

"A map? To Skywalker himself?"

Hester found herself seated around a round table with Rey, Finn, Han, and Maz Kanata. Maz was much smaller than she expected - she only came up to Hester's waist, and her eyes were magnified behind large glasses.

After quick introductions, Maz had led them away to a slightly more secluded corner of the room. The rest of the room was filled with people from all different planets and races. Han had said not to stare, but Hester had still found herself glancing at the different people as she passed. Even to this day, it fascinated her just how diverse their galaxy was. She wished she had more time to be able to visit all planets and appreciate all cultures. Sightseeing hadn't exactly been an encouraged pursuit in the First Order, and she doubted the Jedi Order would've encouraged it, either.

"I need you to get this droid to Leia," Han said, gesturing to BB-8.

Maz considered this monetarily.

"Hmm... no."

Hester nearly spat out her drink. Even though she didn't, she ended up swallowing the wrong way and dissolved into a fit of violent coughs. Rey slapped her on the back, all the while eying the situation with wary eyes.

Maz leaned over the table. Her over-magnified eyes seemed to look right through Han. "Han, you've been running away from this fight for too long. Go home."

Han shook his head and sat back. "Leia doesn't want to see me."

"Please, we came here for your help," Hester begged, noting how off guard Han was and wanting to get back to the immediate problem at hand.

Rey, however, had furrowed her eyebrows. "What fight?"

"The only fight, against the Dark side," Maz said, focus on Rey. "Through the ages I have see evil take many forms - the Sith, the Empire, today it is the First Order. It's shadow is spreading across the galaxy. We must face them, fight them. All of us."

For some reason, her eyes came to settle on Finn as she spoke.

Hester couldn't help but notice that Finn did not look entirely convinced by what Maz had to say.

"There's no fight against the First Order, at least not one that we can win," he said lowly.

Hester dropped the piece of fruit she'd just reached over and grabbed.

Finn gestured to the room at large. "Look around," he said, in response to the incredulous stares he was receiving. "There's no chance we haven't been recognised already. I bet the First Order is on their way right now and - what's this?"

He froze as Maz increased the magnification on her glasses. She was climbing over the table toward him. Hester frowned and exchanges a baffled look with Rey.

"What are you doing?" Finn asked nervously.

Maz made no sign that she'd heard him, but continued to near him, her eyes once again appearing to pierce Finn's very soul.

"Solo? What is she doing?" Finn muttered.

"I don't know, but it doesn't look good," Han mused.

"If you live long enough, you see the same eyes in different people," Maz said. "I'm looking at the eyes of a man who wants to run."

The atmosphere suddenly turned tense. Hester swallowed, and all her attention turned to Finn. She didn't realise she was holding her breath.

Finn leaned forward, eyes narrowed.

"You don't know a thing about me," he said lowly. "Where I'm from, what I've seen. You don't know the First Order like I do. They'll slaughter us. We all need to run."

Hester couldn't believe what she was hearing. Finn and helped them escape, from both the First Order and Jakku. In such a short time he'd become a treasured and important friend - how could he be leaving now?

He knew what the First Order was up to, just like she did. They both knew the stakes. Even if he disappeared... the First Order would be covering every corner of the galaxy soon if nobody did anything to stop them.

Maz tilted her head to the side, studied Finn for a moment longer, then slowly crawled back to her seat.

"You see those two?" she said, gesturing carelessly toward two pilots in a corner. "They'll trade work for transpiration to the Outer Rim. There, you can disappear."

Finn nodded and made to stand. Hester's mouth fell open as she watched him.

"Finn!" Rey choked out. She stared at him like she'd never seen him before. "What about BB-8? We're not done yet. We need to get him back to your base."

"I can't," he said heavily.

He stood up. Hester watched him with wide eyes, frozen. She didn't know what to say or do to convince Finn to stay. We need you? You know the stakes? You just can't leave?

Finn swung the gun from his back and handed it to Han, who pushed it away. "Keep it, kid."

Finn paused, then disappeared into the crowd. Hester tried to call out after him, but her words got lost in her throat.

Hester glanced over at Rey, their widened eyes staring back at each other. Then with unspoken agreement they pushed their chairs back and went after Finn.

They couldn't let him go that easily.

They found him with the two pilots, deep in discussion. Hester marched right up to them, eyes narrowed.

"What are you doing?" Hester demanded, folding her arms.

Finn glanced back at the two he was conversing with. "Don't leave without me," he warned, and stood up and followed Hester and Rey to a place that wasn't exactly private, but where they weren't surrounded by customers on either side, either.

"You can't just go," Rey insisted lowly, once they were sure they weren't going to be overheard. "I won't let you."

Finn sighed. "I'm not who you think I am."

"Finn, what are you talking about -"

"I'm not Resistance."

Rey might as well have been slapped across the face. Her eyes widened and her lips parted slightly, but she made no comment.

Finn swallowed. "I'm not a hero," he admitted lowly, and he spoke as though it was a struggle to speak. Despite this, he was still looking at Rey directly in the eye. "I'm a Stormtrooper. Like all of them, I was taken from a family I'll never know, and raised to one thing. On my first battle I made a choice: I wasn't going to kill for them. So I ran, right into you - both of you." His eyes flicked over to Hester, and she smiled.

"A more accurate description would be that I searched that entire damn ship for you," she chuckled, and even Finn cracked a smile at this.

He looked back between Hester and Rey, and his smile became so full of gratefulness and sincerely, and his eyes shone. "You both looked at me like no one else ever had," he whispered. Hester bit her lip, wondering how many times she had looked at Finn as all officials did to the Stormtroopers. She knew how they were treated, and it wasn't fair. "I was ashamed of what I was. But I'm done with the First Order and I'm never going back. Rey, Hester," he stepped closer, "Come with me."

"Don't go," Rey pleaded.

Finn's eyes flicked to Hester, and she smiled sadly.

"I can't," Hester whispered. "BB-8... I can't let him fall into enemy hands now, not when we're so close."

Finn nodded slowly, then returned Hester's smile.

"Take care of yourselves. Please," he said lowly, voice breaking.

And Hester felt her own heart break as she watched her friend walk away.

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