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First class which was the Korean language went well if my eyes didn't avert to that cocky bitch whose name I will remember until I graduate, Krystal.

I entered my new class with Kai by my side. The class didn't look like most classes. Wood-paneled floor and the four walls painted with light yellow instead of white and they were decorated with painting and information regarding the current world problems. Two long, huge glass windows were attached at the right and left side of the class. 22 desks and chairs, each arranged in pairs. The class was airy and cooling. It was air-conditioned. Yes! I went to an empty seat beside Kai (he had told the homeroom teacher to make him sit with me with reasonable excuses. Truthfully, he just flirted his way through to get that special treatment. He had always done that). As I made my way towards the seat, that bitch made her first move.

"Pssst, hey there! New girl. Where did you get that outfit from? The somersault salvation army?" Krystal said. I haven't even met this girl before and she just insulted me. So, I just rolled my eyes.

"That's Krystal and she's the most popular girl in school. Unlike Taehyung, she's a girl," Kai explained.

"Gee, I should have known," I replied.

The class proceeded. Miss Jihyo who was our Korean language teacher and homeroom teacher made me introduced myself in front of the class which I didn't mind and I had expected it. Krystal kept glaring at me. You have no idea how bad I wanted to smack her face with her pink Gucci bag. The rest of the classmates were alright. Some of them introduced themselves to me. I had the audacity to memorize some of their names within 5 minutes of meet up since the only ones who wanted to know me were only 2 people.

First, it was Chloe Jones. She had a blonde, straight hair and a freckled nose and a petite body. She was adorable. Whereas, Park Jimin was a gentleman to begin with. Unlike Kai who was playful and annoying sometimes, he was nice and sweet. Under that checked linen-blend shirt, I'd bet 6 packs existed by looking at his toned arms. He had red hair and his eyes disappeared when he laughed. He was a little taller than me. He was pretty hunky, I had to admit that. Two friends on the first day of school. Not bad Jane Delevingne!

"Wanna go to my party at my house this Saturday, Jane? I'll introduce you to some of my baseball friends" Jimin asked with eagerness.

Meeting up with the baseball dudes? With the popular guys? On the first week of school? That gorgeous Taehyung was going to be there for sure. Things were moving so fast. Oh, hell no! So, I refused him nicely. "Naah, I'm fine. I think I have some stuff to do. I need to sort of my things in my new house. And my brother really needs my help. I can't leave him alone. Ya know?"

"Hmm, too bad. I guess, next time then, Jane. I'd bet the boys are going to like you," Jimin said.

"Why'd you say that?" I asked.

"You're pretty hot and you look like fun to be with, Jane," Jimin said. I blushed. I had never received a compliment like that before.

"But you haven't met me and you're telling me I'm fun to be with?" I gave him a doubtful look.

"Well, first impressions play a major role on the first day of school, darling. And you my friend, ain't that bad. Look at Jimin over here. He is drooling all over you already" Chloe commented. Jimin just nodded.

"Wow,  Janney. Forgetting about your own best friend already. I think I'm going to cry. If you need anything, I'll be sobbing in the corner," Kai intruded.

"No one is forgetting about you Kai. And I didn't say yes to the party. I have some stuff to do. You know that," I told him.

"Hey, man," Jimin said. "I did invite you to my party, Kai. You can come without Jane and leave her alone in her new apartment and we will have the time of our lives at my party and having fun and getting drunk- "

THEN THERE'S YOU | KIM TAEHYUNGWhere stories live. Discover now