A Happy Celebration

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Anything written in italics is thoughts that belong to the characters.

Chapter 4

InuYasha and Kagome sped threw the woods, their shadow following on the grass as they ran away from the setting sun. Beautiful shades of pink, red, orange, and purple reflected on InuYasha's long silver hair and danced on Kagome's face as he let her head lean against his shoulder as he carried her bridal style.

Ug, oh no I think I'm gonna be sick, and I'm getting really dizzy. She had been living here with InuYasha for a month but she had been carried before, but this was the first time she actually felt motion sick from it. She gave out a loud groan as she closed her eyes and buried her face deeper into his shoulder.

InuYasha looked down at the sound of her groaning and fidgeting. "Kagome," He looked at her questionably as he slowed down and was not far from the village but he stopped anyway. "Kagome, are you feeling okay?"

"InuYasha," She muttered into his kimono "can you put me down I think I'm gonna throw up." And sure enough right on cue, Kagome's stomach started to churn and grind. InuYasha could smell it coming he swiftly, but still gently put Kagome down on the ground on her knees. Then he took the red ribbon that held the top layer of the top of his firerat kimono in place and used it to tie Kagome's hair back so it wouldn't get in the way.

Kagome bent over sick, with InuYasha rubbing her back while the kimono top started falling away to reveal the white undershirt under the red layer. After a couple of minutes, Kagome stood up after emptying the contents of her stomach to the poor green grass in front of her. Kagome's eyes started to droop, she was tired from the course of events from the day, but now she was just plain drained off all energy.

InuYasha walked over to her and gracefully picked her up bridal style once again being sure to be gentle to not want to make her sick again. But Kagome didn't notice, for as soon as her feet left the ground and her head lay against his shoulder once again, she fell into a peaceful slumber dreaming of the child. InuYasha smiled down at his wife, she looked so peaceful. A chilly wind went through the air and caused Kagome to get goose bumps. InuYasha slipped of the top of his kimono and wrapped it around Kagome, then sped off towards the village.

. . .

A few hours ago, InuYasha had come in here looking for answers, and left with a creepy smile spread across his face. Through those few hours, Miroku had joined Sango, Mika, Shippou and Kaede as they had a small celebration in honor of Kagome's pregnancy. Now the sun was just setting and everyone was having a good time talking and celebrating.

Shippou had taken out small colorful explosives that were unharmfull and just for fun. Mika and Shippou had a great time setting them off as they sent patterns of colorful smoke in the air of the hut, each one having a different scent. Thankfully these scents were made so they wouldn't harm any demons' sensitive smell. Miroku, Sango and Kaede all watched and laughed while giving a small applause once they ran out. Then they started doing reenactments of Kagome and InuYasha when they all first met, they all had practically fallen over laughing at that one. Shippou had a hard time trying not to laugh as he tried to mimic InuYasha's deep throat voice. Once things have settled down and everyone regained their breath from the laughter, Shippou and Mika had fallen asleep on the hay cot in the corner while everyone else was having a soft conversation.

"Can you believe it," the monk said staring at his beautiful wife leaning against him, "InuYasha and Kagome are finally starting a family."

"Yeah I wonder how much it will change them." Sango added "Parenthood can be a wonderful thing but it can have bumps in the road. I still feel so guilty for all the things I did to Miroku due to my violent mood swings."

"Darling I don't mean to offend you but 'violent' is an understatement." He said with a slightly fearful face. But Sango just laughed and cuddles closer to him.

"The worst part for me were the nightmares, they all seemed so real. And they were so scary I woke up many times in the night sobbing." Sango's face fell remembering them, Miroku put his arm around her and comforted her making her smile once more.

Three years Kaede thought, it's been three years since they've been wed and they act as though they were just celebrating the wedding feast. Aye how love can move us all like so.

The sun was just about to set when Shippou jumped up and away from the bed careful not to wake the 2 year old Mika. The three adults looked up from the conversation and looked at the kitsune. "The lovely couple's home." He stated with a smile.

They all quietly ran to the door in time to see InuYasha walking through the village towards his home. Kagome was asleep in his arms and smiling in her dreams, with the top of InuYasha's kimono wrapped around her and the ribbon that usually held it up was tied through Kagome's raven hair. InuYasha kept looking down at her as he smiled gently as he started to climb the hill that led to their hut.

No one knew why, but the location of the hut was up a hill a little ways away from the shrine and the village. Giving them privacy and comfort, and always a quiet place.

"They look happy." Miroku whispers.

"Yeah," Sango sighs, "they do."

"Reminds me of how we looked when you first got pregnant."

"Are you kidding, this is what we looked like two months after we found out. The first time we found out I was petrified."

"You weren't the only one," Miroku included, "I was scared of the coming mood swings."

"And you had a right to be." Shippou jumped in.

"So are we all happy for InuYasha and Kagome?" Kaede asked.

"Yes." They all said together.

"Good then ye should go back to your hut and put your children to bed. I believe the rest of your children are with Rin at the hut."

"Thank you very much for your hospitality Kaede." Miroku thanked bowing to the old miko.

"Yeah thanks Kaede." Sango thanked as she picked up Mika in her arms. "We'll be going now."

The married couple walked out of the hut with young Mika in Sango's arms, Shippou following shortly afterward.

"And Shippou, where are ye going?" Kaede asked.

"I need to go out and make more tricks, I was planning on having a big training day tomorrow and I need to be fully supplied."

"Aye, but be careful."

"I will."

. . .

Kagome and InuYasha made it back to their hut, the evening breeze blowing through the door and windows as InuYasha set Kagome down on the cot, covered her with a blanket, and started a fire. InuYasha quickly made himself some soup before cleaning up and putting out the fire. InuYasha then washed his face and readied for bed before climbing into the cot, holding Kagome close to his chest as he drifted off. But Kagome was not going to have a peaceful dream tonight . . .

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