An Unhappy Party

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Kagome woke sweating and clutching her chest where her heart was pounding under her palm. From far away, her priestess powers could feel a very dark presence moving through the trees.

Out to kill.

Kagome listened around her, InuYasha was still at the river but the laughing children had gone inside. She could smell Sango making dinner for her husband and the children plus Shippou.

Something is so horribly wrong She thought frantically. I just wish I knew what that thing moving through the forest was-

A scream interrupted Kagome's thoughts as it pounded against Kagome's now sensitive eardrums. It was coming from somewhere in the village and the smell of fresh human blood was rushing through the air.

Kagome jumped to her feet. well at least tried. It was rather difficult to when she couldn't even see her feet. When she was trying to make her way to the door, the jewel around her neck started to glow. Kagome flicked the jewel and it came to life as it projected an image of InuYasha with a distressed expression.

"InuYasha, what's wrong?"

"Kagome, stay at the hut and put up a strong barier around it. Don't come out no matter what!"

"Why InuYasha? What's going on at the village?"

"I'll tell you later." InuYasha's image shot a look behind him unseen by Kagome as an explosion interrupted outside. "Do what I said and hurry!" The image cut off as another human scream irrupted though the air.

What the heck is going on? Kagome's thoughts were frantic as she started to do as InuYasha said. But she never got to it as an explosion caused the side of the house to collapse and splinter. A piece of wood flew close to Kagome's head and she ducked to avoid it only to have a cloth shoved to her face.

What's happening, I can hardly breathe and something smells horrible. A hand on the back of her head kept the horrible smelling cloth firmly pressed against her nose and mouth. Kagome's vision was starting to blurr and her limbs were going weak. I need to find InuYasha. . . Inu. . .Yasha. . .

Her thoughts faded as she lost consciousness.

. . .

InuYasha POV (Back in the village)

"Ug." InuYasha grunted as he avoided another thorny branch. They were back, except this time they were thinker, blacker, and had spitting seeds that exploded on contact.

People were getting grabbed by the thorny branches and the houses were getting destroyed by the seeds. The worst part of all, once the smoke cleared from the destructive seeds a rose sat. A white rose, with snow white petals, and a black stem with a single long curly thorn sitting on the stem. The smell of roses coated everything, causing him to not be able to smell anything but roses. The screams coming from the villagers, were all he could hear. All the other sounds around him were deaf against the screams of the terrified people and the yells of battle as people fought off the branches.

After 10 minutes of this, InuYasha got fed up and yelled for everyone to get back. Once everyone was out of the way and no one was in the branches' grasp. he lifted Tetsuiga high in the air then brought it down with great speed while yelling, "Wind Scar!"

The three glowing claw marks scraped across the branches and make then blow away into nothing. Everyone cheered once it was over and started cleaning up. No one got killed, but many were injured and houses were destroyed. He started picking up large pieces of rubble when he saw Miroku, Sango, and Shippou running towards him at full speed. When they got to him, the were all breathing heavily and leaning on their knees trying to catch their breath.

"Where were you guys? I could've used your help. But I guess its too late now. Come on we need to clean this mess up." InuYasha turned around and started walking away.

"InuYasha. . ." Sango breathed out, "Kagome. . ." She still had not caught her breathe fully and could not finish a complete sentence.

"Kagome?" InuYasha paused and looked at her, confused. "Oh, you shouldn't worry. I told her to put a barrier up around the hut, she should be fine." He continued walking.

"No InuYasha," Sango managed to say as her breath finally cam back to her. "She wasn't there, and half the hut is gone. We think she's been kidnapped."

InuYasha stopped dead in his tracks, a horrified expression glued on his face. He snapped out of it and looked towards the hill where his hut stood, where a pillar of smoke was coming from.


InuYasha took off running. The others trying to keep up but fell behind quickly.

When InuYasha arrived at the hut, it was just as Sango described it. Half the hut was gone, and so was Kagome's scent. The wooden chest was open and the belongings spread out across the shattered hut. In front of the fire, was the crystal. The crystal on the pink ribbon that once was around Kagome's neck, lay in front of the fire pit where a bouquet of white roses with black stems were burning.

InuYasha hid his face in the shadow of his bangs. He let out his once hidden rage on the ground where it left a deep dent in the dirt. "DAMN IT! It was a trap!" InuYasha said through gritted teeth. "That thing in the village was just a distraction for us so they could get to Kagome. And now," InuYasha picked up the oval crystal, "we have no way of getting in contact with her. And the scent of roses masked their scent so we have no idea which way they went." InuYasha was yelling at this point and tears pricked at his eyes and threatened to fall, but he wouldn't let them.

Kagome, I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry! How could I have been so stupid! I should've never left you alone like that! Kagome, when I find the person that did this I'll-

"InuYasha." His thoughts were interrupted my Miroku's voice. "Standing here and regretting things won't help any. What you need to do is get moving. Sango, Shippou and I will stay here and clean up. You go and find Kagome."

InuYasha turned around and saw the reassuring smiles on all their faces. "You sure?" He asked.

"InuYasha, ever since I met you there was always one thing that I noticed that never changed. Kagome never ceesed to be the center of your whole world and everything around it. We want you to go out and find her and bring her back." Sango reassured.

"We also want you to give that creep that had the nerve of taking Kagome away a piece of your mind!" Shippou said excitedly.

"Shred 'em to bits!" Sango jumped in.

"Make them fall on their knees and beg!" Miroku also joined.

"Thanks guys." InuYasha smiled at them. InuYasha felt so happy that he could hug them. But because this was InuYasha, he didn't and went on his way.

He bound through the forest not knowing exactly were he was going, but trusted his heart and went in that direction. All the while he was running, he had Kagome's crystal tightly gripped in his hand. And he refused to let go of it until he had his one true love back in his arms.

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