A Bump In The Road

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Hm, when she said "I'll be back," I didn't expect it to be so soon.

"Shippou," InuYasha turned to him, "go to Miroku's, get Erikku, and come straight back. Don't stop for anything."

"Right!" Shippou went on all fours and ran out the front flap at top speed.

"Kagome," InuYasha continued walking across the hut. "stay on your tows. If you sense even the slightest thing, you put up a barrier around the hut, got it?" He picked up his sword and strung it through his kimono.

"Alright . . ." Kagome was very unsure, "but InuYasha, what's wrong?"

"I think someone's after us." InuYasha headed towards the door but Kagome took hold of his arm. InuYasha looked down at her as she looked up at him with pleading eyes.

"If they're after both of us then maybe I should-"

"NO!" Kagome's face fell. InuYasha sighed, pulling Kagome into a tight and warm hug. "Look Kagome, I love it when you fight by my side like in the old days, but . . . what if you get hurt? I couldn't afford to loose you or our daughter. It would just kill me. So please stay here, protect Erikku, protect Shippou, and protect our family." He pulled her away so he could look at her. She had her eyes to the floor and tears on the brink of falling. "Okay?" He continued when she didn't respond.

Kagome sniffed and nodded, "Mm hm." A few tears started to fall, but before long she was crying.

"Kagome?" InuYasha started rubbing the tops of her arms for comfort. "Are you okay?"

Kagome wiped a tear away, "I'm sorry InuYasha, I think I'm having a mood swing. But I'm just so happy that you care so much."

InuYasha dropped his hands away from her arms and took her face in his hands, and made it so she would finally meet his eyes. "Kagome, I will always care about you. All I can do is worry and care about you. Especially you!" He used his thumbs to wipe away the tears from her stained cheeks. "I love you Kagome, you and Okurimono are my reasons to live. Don't you doubt that even for one second, don't listen to what anybody says about it!" He took one of his hands away from her face and placed it on her stomach. "Family comes first." He smiled at her, and she smiled back before he pulled her into another tight embrace. Allowing her tears to soak through the layers of his kimono and onto his chest.

While Kagome cried on his chest, InuYasha petted her raven hair and whispered sweet words in her ears as he kissed the top of her head. After a couple minutes, they pulled away. He bent down to give Kagome what was meant to be a peck on the lips. But as soon as their lips touched, Kagome latched her arms around InuYasha's neck. And gave him a kiss that left them both gasping for breath when they broke apart. InuYasha caressed her cheek on last time before leaping through the door, sword in hand, ready for anything.

"Be safe InuYasha." Kagome whispered, wrapping her arms around her abdomen. InuYasha was long gone and unable to hear her as he was running down the hill towards the forest.

"Kagome~" Kagome looked out her window to see Shippou running up the hill towards her with Erikku sleeping on his horse spell hot on his trail. Kagome opened the flap and held it out of the way for the two. Shippou slowly walked over to the straw bed in the corner, curled up, and collapsed into a deep sleep. Kagome picked Erikku up before the horse went back to its original size. The young wolf pup cuddled close in Kagome's arms and continued sleeping soundly. Kagome walked over to the straw bed and sat down with the boy still in her arms, as she stared down at him. It feels so natural to hold a child in my arms. I'm only a few weeks pregnant but it already feels like I have motherly instincts. A thought struck Kagome. Maybe I can ask Okurimono questions about the pregnancy.

Kagome placed Erikku next to Shippou on the bed then turned and looked down at the crystal and flicked it once. After she flicked it, she closed her eyes and pictured her daughter's crystal came to life as the picture of the young half-demon was projected in front of her.

"Hey mom, you called?" Okurimono greeted in her sing-songy voice.

"Hey, I have a few questions for you."

"Oh? About what?"

"The pregnancy."

"Okay, what do you want to know?"

"How fat will I get?"

Okurimono chuckled. "Mom, you'll be as large as you would a normal pregnancy. The only difference is that you'll be fully blown at the end of the third month. You're only at the end of your first, so, the bump should start to form soon."

"Will the birth hurt?"

Okurimono was silent for a moment before responding. "Maybe, not everyone survives the birth of a demon or half demon. But there is a way to ensure your survival of the birthing. But . . ." She looked away.

"But what?" Kagome asked urgently.

"You're gonna need dad's consent to do."

"What do I need to do?" Okurimono met Kagome's eyes again.

"You need to drink the blood of a demon or half demon. Or in your case dad or Uncle Sesshomaru."

"Oh, how would that help." This was starting to get Kagome very confused.

"Because, then you'd become a half demon."

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