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The group had been traveling for two days already; they just flew by as they grew closer and closer to their home village. It was a beautiful day, and they were walking at a slow pace with no need to rush. They could have easily flown, but it would not be as pleasurable. But for now, Kagome was riding on the back of Kirara due to her swollen ankles. Inuyasha was walking next to her and holding her hand.

“How are ya feeling?” He asked as he used his thumb to rub the back of her hand.

“Bloated.” She chuckled as she rubbed her round stomach.  Inuyasha smiled at her until her directed his eyes to the road ahead. Sango, Miroku, and Shippou were walking behind the hanyou couple and observing them.

“Look at them being all ‘stick-together-like-glue’.” Shippou said.

“Yeah~” Sango and Miroku sighed together.

“Why aren’t we like that Sango?” Miroku asked.

“Because we don’t want any more kids!” Everyone yelled together. Miroku made a pouty face at his wife.

Sango made the mistake of looking over at him and getting caught by his eyes. “Now Miroku, don’t look at me like that. Seriously Miroku what are you begging for?”

“You know what I want Sango.” Miroku said in a whiney voice similar to, if not more childish, than the voice of one of his own children.

“Know I don’t, and I don’t think I wanna know.” Sango said in an uneasy voice as she tried to move away. But alas, the attempts were in vain as Miroku snaked his arms around her waste to forbid her escape.

“Come on Sango, why can’t we be as in-love as we were a couple of year ago?”

“We still are!” Sango said with a blush on her face, “Only now you don’t touch me without my permission-most of the time- and we have 5 kids to take care of.”

“So you still love me?” Miroku whimpered.

“Of course I do. I’ve just been distracted is all. I mean we’re just on out way back from rescuing Kagome. We have a lot to do when we get home, and it’s been slipping my mind. And take no offence to it but the last thing I want is another kid.” Sango finally finished with a sigh.

“I understand Sango.” Miroku said with a forgiving voice and eyes, but he did not remove his arm from around her waste. As they continued walking, Sango laid her head on Miroku’s shoulder and left it there.

Inuyasha looked back at the other married couple then let his eyes drift towards Kagome’s. She met his eyes half way, smiled at him, then let her gaze wander off towards the setting sun. Giving everything around them an orange-ish-golden tint.

How long has it been since I came to this era? Not to stay permanently, but since that spring day that was so long ago.

Kagome used her hand that Inuyasha wasn’t holding and started counting on her fingers.

Inuyasha looked over at her. She had an expression showing she was thinking hard about something, as her fingers move up and down as she was keeping track.

What in the world is that girl thinking so hard about?

Then the highschool . . . plus the few months of the pregnancy . . .

“I got it!” She verbally exclaimed, making everyone jump.

“’You got’ what Kagome?” Shippou innocently asked. (AN: I finally got my Trix! Jk lol. On with the story! : P )

“About a month after Oki is due will be the 5 year anniversary since I first arrived in this era and met Inuyasha.” She said proudly. Everyone had partially shocked faces.

The Passing Of Love Through Time (An InuYasha FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now