To the Demise

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Hey hey hey! You guys are really lucky that I have a light workload this week. This is the action chapter that took me forever to write. I am sad to announce that no one entered anything for the contest  *sob sob *. So please enjoy the chapter and please review.


Chapter 23

Several things happened at once, and in what was almost slow motion.

As soon as Kagome yelled the signal, Inuyasha started glowing. And not two milliseconds afterwards the restraints around him had broken away and he was taking a running start. It took Rose less than that to realize what was happening and pulled the dagger back that was at first aimed at Kagome. Rose realized he escaped but was still oblivious to what his target was. As Inuyasha jumped to the ceiling, it was then that Rose finally figured it out.

She acted quickly, very quickly. Rose darts were suddenly in her hands; the points glowing a sickening green. She threw them with lightning speed but no precision. For they all missed. She still had one dart left in her hand and had no time to conjure up more. Just as Inuyasha’s claws started at the red rose, the final dart flew with Inuyasha’s beating heart as its target.

Then, it was all over. As the shredded petals of the red rose floated to the ground, Rose screamed in agony and bloody murder. Inuyasha fell to the floor with a thud as Rose, and all of the thorns and roses eroded away to reveal bare cave walls. However, the glowing sphere still remained and rolled on the ground, creating light.

As Kagome’s restraints finally disintegrated. She ran straight to Inuyasha. She was worried, he was unconscious. She turned him over and started looking for puncture wounds. She was scared that the poison dart rose had punctured him, but she could not find the wound. At this point she panicked a little.

“Inuyasha? Inuyasha!? INUYASHA!? Good god wake up! Please!” She pleaded as tears ran down her face.

“He’s fine mom. He’s gonna be alright.” Kagome looked up to see a projection of Oki coming from one of the crystals around Inuyasha’s neck. “He’s just sleeping. See?” She pointed at his chest that was slowly rising and falling in deep sleep.

“What? But I was sure he was unconscious.”

“No, I gave him a big power burst that probably left him drained. He’ll be fine. He just needs rest, and so do you mom.”

“Alright.” Kagome looked down at her sleeping husband, and removed her crystal and placed it around her neck. It felt so right to have it back in place.

“Inuyasha~! Kagome~!” Someone was calling them and it sounded just like Miroku.

“IN HERE!” She responded.

“Kagome?” Came Shippou’s little voice from behind one of the walls.


“Hold on Kagome, and stay away from the wall.” She was confused at first but then she heard the sizzling of a fuse. Causing her to back her and a sleeping Inuyasha further away from the wall. Ten seconds later an explosion went off, leaving a gaping hole in the cave wall in its stead. Once the smoke cleared, there stood Sango, Miroku, Shippou and Kirara.

“Kagome!” Shippou jumped off of his perch on Miroku’s shoulder and ran to Kagome who happily granted him in a warm hug. “Who’s that?” Shippou asked referring to the glowing figure of Oki who was still standing next to Kagome.

“Oh, everyone this is Okurimono. She’s my-“ Kagome started.

“Ah, so this is the famous Oki.” Miroku awed.

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