What A Day

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They both got up and Kagome changed, and then set off down the hill with a basket in her hand towards the chicken coop Miroku and Sango share with them. After Kagome picked a couple fresh eggs and gathered some veggies for later, she started her way back to the hut.

Meanwhile at the river . . .

InuYasha was in the water and waiting for his prey, he had speed but the fish were pretty slippery. While he was waiting, his mind wandered back to what Okurimono said a while ago.

"I know but mom would look so cute with little black puppy dog ears!"

InuYasha pictured it. His cute Kagome with little black puppy dog-ears on her head. Now whenever she'll get sad she'll hit me hard with those puppy eyes, ears down, and . . . Uh, how does she look so innocent? She like does something with her eyes to make them look glossy and innocent. Feh, most of the time she's anything but. That mood swing last night gave me a good scare. If she hadn't taken off those prayer beads when she came back I would've been just a hollow in the Earth.

He felt something smooth touch his foot. He looked down to see a salmon working its way upstream. Wait for it . . . Now! His claws shot into the water and came out with a salmon in it. Then his other hand went immediately went into the water and came out with a salmon in it.

I should probably get one or two extra in case Kagome gets a craving or something. He soon had four fish and was now headed back to the hut.

Kagome got back to the hut first. She removed the large pot from the fire pit and started a fire. When the embers were ready, she placed a large, flat stone she used for cooking and allowed it heat up. Once it was ready, she fried up four eggs perfectly. When she was putting them onto plates, InuYasha walked in with four fish in his hands. She put two of them on sticks, and set them next to the fire to cook while InuYasha made and served the rice. Once the fish were done, InuYasha took them off the sticks and on the plates with the eggs. Once everything was ready, they said their thanks and dug in.

The meal was delicious, and silent. After they finished, they both walked down to the stream to wash themselves up along with the dishes. They got the dishes done, but when they were rinsing them, they got into a splash fight when Kagome tripped and fell into the stream. InuYasha laughed and tried to help her up only to be pulled down into the cold water himself. They got out and carried the dishes back to the hut, both drenched.

Kagome heated a large pot of water so they could take a bath. When the bath was ready, they stripped of their damp cloths and got in the warm bath. They washed each other, and then stayed close to each other until they felt the water start to cool.

They got out and changed into spare cloths, the cloths were already dirty but would have to do for today. Kagome put the damp cloths on a line to dry then went back inside. InuYasha walked to Miroku and Sango's hand-in-hand. And the day just flew by . . .

That Night Before Sunset

"See ya!" Kagome waved good-bye to her friends with Erikku in her arms and InuYasha at her side. Once back at the hut, Kagome put Erikku down on the straw bed where he immediately fell asleep. InuYasha was lounging by the fire when Kagome fished something out of the wooden trunk and threw it at him.

"Hey!" He yelled quietly when the kimono hit him square in the face.

"Get changed." She ordered in a quiet but stern tone. "I need to do the wash tomorrow morning, so change into your temporary one for tonight."

"Alright alright." InuYasha quickly changed into the kimono while Kagome started dinner. The kimono looked almost exactly like his fire rat one only it was black and a woven white dragon pattern all up and down the back and legs. InuYasha got it as a wedding gift from Sesshomaru's mother. No one knew why she came, but she was cheerful and happy the whole way through the wedding. Kagome also got a beautiful kimono from her. Her's was light pink with a magenta flower design woven in. And finally as the sun started to set, InuYasha started to change.

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