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12:30 pm Clarke

My first two classes were finally over and it was lunch time, my favorite time of the day. I get to finally eat and relax.

Just as I exit the room I'm greeted by a familiar voice.


I turn around and see one of my best friends Raven running to me.

"Hey Raven what's up?"

"Oh not much, just got back from film.. are you going to go sit with us?"

I look in front of me and see my group of friends all seated around a table. Bellamy is next to Octavia, there's Lincoln, and in front of him is Monty and Jasper.

"There's Bellamy eyeing you again.." She grins.

I answer, "Yup, still thinks I'm straight."

She bursts out in laughter. "God Clarke I've tried to tell him, he just won't listen, you know he hears, he just does not listen."


"So?" She asks about whether or not I'm going to sit with them. Sometimes I do, but sometimes I don't.

"Um..," I think for a while, "no, I think I'll just head to the library today."

"Well alright see you later."

I turn away but before I can take another step forward she speaks out--

"Wait up.. Clarke, did you hear?"


"Apparently some students are getting new dorm mates or switching around."

"What the heck, why?" I ask furiously.

"I have no clue."

"Dammit, I like having a room myself."

"Well Clarke," she reassures "you're one of the lucky ones."

I nod.

"Maybe we get to be room mates!"

I realize that'd be pretty cool.

"That's true."

"Yeah so don't worry about it, okay? I'll see you later."

"Alright, see you Raven."

I walked away and headed to the library center. Possible new dorm mates. I didn't know how to feel about it.

12:36 pm

I entered the library with all my art supplies in my bag. At least this time everything wasn't all over the place, just hidden in my bag.

I made my way to the art section to find some books on facial construction. I stroll through the isles of shelves, keeping the look out for something interesting. Then I see the topic I want, Facial Features and Construction. I shuffle through some books with my fingers and choose one out of the bunch. Taking it out, to see what's inside. I go through the pages and realize that it doesn't interest me so I put it back.

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