21/ WHERE TO PT. 1

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Clarke 9:10 am

"Why are you here?" she asked.

"Come on, I want you to see something."

"What I--

"Come on." I said, holding my hand out.

She hesitated for a second, but thankfully decided to follow and grab hold of my hand.

We began walking and I could see the expression on her face. Like she was still upset. So I decided to break the ice.

"It's right up ahead. A little far, so stay close..."

She still wasn't saying anything so I kept talking.

"You'll love it out here at night... the stars are everywhere not how they are in the city. It's a bit like the lights in my room but a million times better."

"Really?... sounds nice." She said, looking up at me as I stood over a huge tree that laid on the ground.

"It really is," I jumped over the big tree trunk in front of us and tried helping her over it, "Be careful here, just get a leg on it one at a time." 

She made it over and said thanks, then I was off to talking again.

It seemed like she was quiet when she was upset and I on the other hand, couldn't shut up.

We kept walking and soon we made it there.

"This is it." I say.

She looked around confused.

"But.. it's just--

"Not everything is what it looks like." I interrupt.

I knew why she was confused. We were just at the entrance.

"We're only at the entrance."

"The entrance of what Clarke?"

*Cliffs Edge by Hayley Kiyoko is a perfect song to listen for this part*

Lexa 9:36 am

"I guess you'll have to jump in, in order to really know." She said confidently and went into the tiny opening of a cave. It was covered in branches and leaves before which is why I didn't think of it as anything.

I carefully went in and saw her standing right before a cliff.

"See you on the other side." She said then jumped in.

"Wait-- Clarke!"

I was worried and ran to the edge of the cliff. There she was in what looked like a pool. But it was clearly part of the lake.

"God I thought--

"I'm fine. Come down." She yelled.

It was beautiful, the water was a clear blue/ green and it was surrounded by red rock. There was a small waterfall too.

"Um wher-- like jump? Here?" I asked.

"Yeah where else?" She smiled.

"I-- I don't know."

I wanted to but it was a pretty far jump.

"Trust me. It only looks tall but it isn't" 

"Oh yeah so I'm guessing you're a cliff expert..?" I joke.

"Yeah that... and I've been going here pretty much all my life."

She laughed and swam and I laughed too. 

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