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Lexa 6:31 am

I woke up immediately not remembering most of the night before. I had a throbbing headache and Clarke next to me.

Soon she began to squirm around in the bed, rubbing her eyes and yawning.

"Oh Lexa you're awake. How's the hangover?"

I soon caught on.

"Geez how much did I drink last night?"

"Too much if ya ask me." She responds.

"Oh god I'm really sorry if I gave you a hard time or anything I really didn't mean to I--

"It's fine it's fine."

"Okay. Well, smells good out there I think they're cooking something, you wanna head out?" I ask.

"Sure." She answers.

"Hey guys! A welcome into the all inclusive restaurant of moi." Jasper extravagantly says holding out two plates of food for Clarke and I.

"Haha thanks." I say.

"Big deal Jas, eggs and toast?" Octavia jokes.

Everyone laughs including Jasper and I can't help but notice the peace I was surrounded by. Despite the small trouble and drama, at the moment everyone seemed to be having a great time. And I sure was.

Lexa 11:13 am

"We should catch up with them." Clarke says grabbing her travel bag.

"You're right."

Everyone was already outside where the cliff was, so we began to walk there.

"Hey I've got to tell you, I'm a bit nervous to be doing this."

"You? Nervous?"

"Well yeah.." I respond. "Why are you so suprised?"

"Nothing. Besides, it's similar to the one you jumped off of in the cave... only higher."

Clarked laughed and I nudged her on her arm.

"You really like to push buttons don't you?"

"Only the interesting ones." She says.

I thought about what that meant but I couldn't quite understand it. And then, I did.

We walked some more for about 10 minutes and then made it to the cliff.

Everyone was already there jumping off and what not.

"Lexa. Look." Clarke brought me close to the edge and then pointed to Octavia who was all the way down inside the blue/green water.

"So, you guys do this like all the time?" I asked.

"Well... yeah." Clarke responds.

"C'mon Lexa, your turn." Bellamy says.

"Really? Me? Well okay but--

Suddenly, I felt Clarke's hand on my shoulder. She left it there for a moment and then spoke.

"You can do it." She said.

"Okay, if you don't want to go first, Clarke will." Bellamy adds.

Clarke shrugged. She took off her clothes, revealing the bikini she had on. And backed away from the edge.

"OKAY GUYS. Count of three!" She yells.

Everyone there counted. "1...2....3!" And then Clarke soon ran towards the edge of the cliff.

I just watched as her feet were on the ground and then suddenly they weren't. I ran to the edge and saw Clarke falling into the water. A few seconds and then SPLASH.

She got up from the water and pushed her hair back. "Your turn!" She says, yelling to me.

I inhale deeply and feel my nerves crawl up inside.

Most things were easy for me. School, getting good grades, getting up in the morning, being on time, keeping in touch with my parents. But this.. why was it so hard? Why couldn't I, just run, close my eyes, and fall? In my entire life it's like I'm only scared to do something, if I don't know the outcome. I can always be on time because I don't want to be late. And I'll get good grades because I don't want bad ones. But Clarke, she's different. She just does. Not for any reason, not because someone says so and I... well how could I ever bring myself to do that.

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