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8:00 am Clarke

The morning had just begun as I opened my eyes to the sun seeping through my window blinds. Today is moving day, which means a few studens will be chosen and assigned a new dorm or new dorm mate. Forunately, I don't have to move, but I am getting a dorm mate. And I don't know how to feel about it. Octavia's getting a new room mate. And she's pretty bummed because Raven was her old one, but she's always up for new things.

I walked to my bathroom but just as I could go inside to refresh myself, my door swug open and Raven came inside and yelled.

"Guess who's your new roomate!!" She looked super excited. And dropped her bags to the floor.

I was shocked and confused. I had just gotten out of bed and still had on my pajamas. Everything was also blurry because I had yet to put on my contacts.

I rubbed my eyes and responded to her.
"Omg Raven that's great!" I smiled and walked over to give her a hug.

Afterall, we're best friends and excited to share a room. Now the year is looking up.

"Can you help me unpack my stuff?"

"Of course!" I answer.

I went to pick up one of her boxes and took it inside our room. Then I grabbed some of her t-shirts and placed them in her drawers.

Our room is pretty much split in the middle. From the door, my bed and desk are on the left, as well as my white closet. I had decorated my room a long time ago and like to keep it the way it is. It isn't the most organized, but it also isn't messy.

I have about four photos of my family, friends, and I pinned onto a board. Most of my wall is covered by artwork. My desk is up against the foot of my bed. I have a black chair and laptop on the surface of the desk. There are pencils scattered everywhere and sketchbooks stacked near my laptop. My closet was always open because a lot of my art supplies was on the bottom. The last thing I have is a canvas stand by the other side of my bed. And my record player near that.

"I have some boxes outside can you grab them?" Raven asks.


I make my way towards the door to pick it up. Kneeling down to lift it then I'm abruptly facing a pair of legs.

"Hey there."

I look up and see Lexa smiling, looking straight down at me.

"Ohh hey.. " I slowly try to get up,
" you.." I'm barely able to with the heavy box still in my arms.

She looks at me struggling and lets out a laugh. "Hahah, You need help?"

I nod. She grabs the box and I follow her into Raven and I's room.

Lexa was wearing a beautiful white blouse and a mini burgundy skirt. And she had on black shoes.
But above all, I couldn't stop staring at how great her hair looked.

"So." She says.

"What?" I ask.

"This is where you live."


"It's nice." She looks at me and smiles.

I tried to hide the fact that I was extremely nervous at the moment. I couldn't help but be because her face was so stunning. And was so nice and accommodating too. Gosh she just had to be.

Our shared moment is then soon interrupted by Octavia barging into the room.

"HEYYY! OH SO Clarke you met my new roommate!" She yells. "Hi Raven!"

"Hey O." Raven responds.

"Yeah--yes I have." I smile and look to Lexa.

8:40 am Lexa

"Well actually we've met before." I assure.

Clarke looks at me. As though to catch my attention. And so I look back to her.
She looked really nice in the cute yellow shirt she was wearing, it complimented her hair. And I hadn't noticed until now but her hair was remarkable. But of course this was just me admiring other girls because I wish I had what they had.
Nothing more.

"Oh well that is great!" Octavia says with excitement. "Oh okay well I'm going to go downstairs."

Octavia seemed so free-spirited, energetic all the time. She ran down and both Clarke and I could hear her feet running amongst the steps.

"Okay O, see you later." Clarke said her goodbye. I guess 'O' is her nickname.

My phone vibrates and I'm met with Jack's text.


Where are you?? I tried calling
you haven't answered.

I look down at my phone and groan.

I look to Clarke who is folding some of Raven's shirts and putting stuff away.

"Hey Clarke?"

"What's up?" She asks curiously.

"I got to go. My boyfriend.. he's wondering where I am."

"Oh okay." She says in a normal tone.

8:59 am Clarke

"Oh okay." I was devastated. I just hoped she couldn't hear it in my voice.

But what was I expecting? Of course someone like her already had a partner. Of course someone like her wouldn't be interested in me.

8:59 am Lexa

I looked back at Clarke to say bye but forthwith, her face looked unhappy.

"I hope to see you soon Clarke."

"Same here." she responds.

9:00 Clarke

And I really meant it.

Hope you enjoyed!

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