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Clarke 10:00 am

"This is great." I say, "We're lost. Lost."

"Yeah but hey it shouldn't be that bad you go here all the time right?" Lexa asks.

"Well... yeah but it's different now. I mean the trees are all cut and I can't even recognize anything."

"Yeah, well good thing I have a granola bar in my pocket."

"Yeah and I have my water bottle... hey you seem to be holding up really well, considering it's your first time in the woods." I tell her.

"Oh yeah. Well, I don't know... you're here and I... well you know, I trust you and all. You're Clarke... I'm sure you'll figure this out."

She was being so nice after I showed her a personal piece of me. Maybe deep down inside I was hoping she would do the same.

"For our sake, I'll try my best." I say.

We walked around for around ten minutes when finally I saw a path.

"Over there!" I point and say.

I took a few steps but before I could go any further Lexa's hand was wrapped around my arm.


"What?" I ask.

"I just- I wanted to thank you... I was acting a little weird earlier and I, well I guess I'm just grateful you even brought me here. I mean not only in Lake Jaha but to that hidden waterfall which was magnificent by the way..."

I was stunned at how okay she was, considering I had basically taken her on a lost in the forest adventure. And to add to that I felt butterflies in my stomach because well... it was her speaking. And her words were so warm.

"No problem. Now you know who to go to if you ever feel like getting lost in the woods."

She laughed and looked down to the ground scraping her shoes on the dirt.

"Well hey-- uh," I continue, "I'm just really glad you're having a good time so far. That's the only thank you I really need."

"I really am." She responds.


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