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We finally reached the cross boundary.We took to a cabe were I explained what had happened.Honestly,by the end of it,I was in tears.I couldn't look at Nathan.He brushed the side of my face with his paw and told me
"Hey,its ok, its ok.I'm here now and so are you.Thats all that matters."He saw that i was exhausted and sung a song,that was apparently passed down I'm his family.His voice was surprisingly relaxing.I honestly didn't listen to his words, just his voice let me falter into sleep. Curled up in the mouth of the cave.Once he was sure I was asleep,he laid down to sleep himself.I woke up to the smell of fish.
"Well,good morning sunshine,"a voice said gently.I could tell without looking,it was Nathan.He had woken up early and gone fishing.It took me a minute to remember what happened yesterday.I then thought about how Spirl would feel.I didn't even tell her my plan.I thought about my mom and dad.Would they really always be proud of me,even now?I said I wasn't hungry.
"What?"he asked.
"I said I wasn't hungry!"I yelled.He flinched.
"Im s-s-sorry,"I stammered.
"It's okay,"he said,"Im scared too."I ended up eating a fish then we took to the sky for a bit.Being in sky helped me calm down.It made me feel free.I almost flew right into mountain turf, were a horrible fate lies.Probably bandament.This meant i would be addressed by name,the crime(s) would be stated and then i would be escorted to the cross boundaries,were I would live for the rest of my life, which it looked like that anyway.That night,we managed to find some rension fruits.We juiced them and drank the juice up.We feasted on fish.The next morning I woke up before Nathan.I quickly got flashbacks of last night.I cursed myself.If I had a hatchling while we were on the run,well let's just say not good.Nathan woke up to me yelling at myself.It took some time,bit he got me to calm down.We agreed worse-case scenario, we have a nest right here.Me and Nathan wanted to go back home but we couldn't.Me and Nathan looked and looked.We never found abetter place,or a way back into our tribes,but we found
none of ether.A few months later, an egg was in a nest,with me watching it.The egg looked weird but for good reason.It soon hatched,from it emerged a beautiful hatchling.This one was albino.She had some features of me,and some of Nathan.

She had some features of me,and some of Nathan

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It sneezed,making a spurt of ice.I chucked.Then i frowned.Why should she suffer for my mistake.Then it hit me,what me and Nathan had been looking at for almost two years now.A way too make everything ok.I would challenge Layla,the queen of the mountain herd.

Forbiddens:A dragon love storyWhere stories live. Discover now