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A pub downtown was filled with men and women chugging their drinks up, having a chat and just enjoying their Friday nights. The pub was similar to other pubs, you could see beer towers from a table to another, you would see waitresses with pleated mini checkered skirts, white 3/4 sleeves with two buttons are open and you can see the goodies beneath those black-laced bras. But admist from all those people, you should focus your sight on those 2 women being in their own world, on the west side of the pub...

"HAHAHA, funnny."

"Yeah, I know." The other commented while finishing her drink. "Ohh look. It's the final batting already."

"Hmmm. Sorry, I'm not interested." The other finished her drink.

"You don't like baseball?"

"Nah... I'd rather do something..." She fidgets the collar of the latter. "" She smiled flirtily.

"Well, then maybe I could make a difference eh?" The latter had both of her eyebrows raised. "I'll make you like baseball.  If Korea doesn't win-I'll do whatever you want. But if Korea DOES win..." She moved closer to her ear. "I'll blow you up." Not forgetting to slightly bit the latter's earlobe.

The girl was too excited and nodded like a child. She, together with the woman beside her, turned their heads to focus on the television like any other visitor at the pub.

'Either way, I'll get what I want.' She said in her mind that made her giggle a bit.

Soon, the pub erupted into a riot-like noise. As Kim Jin-Woo of the Kia Tigers went for a homerun. Piles of money were thrown into the air and landed on the floor, beers were chugged faster than earlier, laughter and cheering was evident in the room.

"Well, it seems like you won."

"I did, didn't I? Now let's get you blown up."

She dragged the latter and drove away from the place. They droved around for about 20 minutes until they've arrived at a hilltop where you could see the view of Seoul's marvelous city. Just as they stopped, the woman from the passenger seat grabbed the other's collar and initiated the kiss.

The woman from the driver's seat didn't want to loose so she grabbed onto the latter's waist and pulled her close. Tongues invaded each other's territories, necks were drenched with sweat and saliva as the car's windows slowly fogged due to the heateed make-out they were creating.

The other was on the edge of happiness as her mind was clouded in euphoria. Her moans showed that she had an unmeasurable lust to the woman who's been teasing her non-stop. Until a sudden sound, in a matter of seconds, her pleasure stopped. And as much as she wanted to be all nice, prim and proper, she wasn't gonna do that. She wants a fuck. She wants sex, and she's gonna have that either way.

"What's the problem?"

"Are you ready to be blown up?"

"Fucking yes." She said with too much excitement in her voice. 

But then the woman from the driving seat left the car and it made her wonder why, especially when the latter closed and locked the door. She was standing abeit far from the car. The woman who was left in the car managed to push the window button from the driver seat and shouted-

"Yah! Where do you think you're going?!"

"Blowing you up."

The woman had her eyes shot wide open in horror for she saw the latter holding onto a button and she knew what would happen next. She tried to leave but the lock won't budge as her hands were cuffed into the steering wheel. How foolish of her for not to notice it. 

"What do you want from me?!"

"Uee, you are under arrest for child and woman trafficking also in prostitution. Now all of your victims will be free from the nightmare you've caused them."

"Who... Who are you?"

"Send my regards to Satan when you see each other in hell."

She turned around and pressed the button. In a flash, the car exploded. Some parts jumped off to the sky and blowing some pieces off the place. The woman then picked up her phone and dialled someone and waited for the other line to pick up.

"Hey it's done."

"Well, that was fast."

"Of course..."

"I am Amber Liu after all."

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