Shh it's a secret...

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Hello there Founders!

I wasn't actually supposed to write a post today, so my publisher doesn't actually know I'm writing this (hehe). And because you're a rebel also we get to have a little chat ;)

Quick reminder for those of you who were kidnapped by the aliens recently (you know the ones or do you?) the book, "On the Run", is available for free on Amazon this week. Don't you run away from the opportunity ;D

And in case those aliens were probing you for an extra long time, and you haven't signed up on my blog then make sure to do so right now! I'm gonna be announcing a bunch of free goodies on it soon!

Well, the book On the Run is going viral on Amazon! In other words, more people are joining our Founders team! It got to #2 in its category because of you guys! You're all awesome and brilliant and bloody fantastic!

And... and you guys are just so cool. I know I've said "thank you" a lot (like bunches and bunches), but I mean it! YOU GUYS ARE SO AWESOME! Each and every one of you. Even if you don't follow me on facebook, or twitter, or goodreads, or my blog, or anywhere else! You are all seripsuoy the drive for me :)

Speaking of social platforms, go give a review of the book on goodreads and add it to your library right now! And also follow me on facebook! Otherwise the aliens will come back and kidnap you again (I know... I'm on the phone with them as I write this).

Thank you for reading this rant. Stay awesome. And I will see you in the next post that my publisher will actually know about ;)

Love ya

P.S. I'd love it if you guys followed me on Amazon too! You'll get exclusive emails whenever my books go on sale!

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