Chapter 17

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MDA: Ch. 17


It's been a day since we found out the restraint has been lifted and a day since we found out that Alex and Comrade have arrived. In all honesty, things have gone down hill from there.

My boss completely flipped out when he heard. He was planning to use the restraint against them in some way, but that didn't really work out since she was stopped before she could get to the southern boarder. My boss was planning to kidnap her. He had no intention of lifting the restraint because he couldn't, but it still angered me that he was and still is bargaining with her life.

Then there's the problem of Alex and Comrade. It's no secret that Comrade is Celina's guardian and for good reason. He's got strength and determination, two key aspects that make up one of the best fighters around. Alex has also got to be one of the strongest fighters of the pack, she's got the speed and agility as well as the strength to take down a third in command, possibly a beta. If anything, my boss is freaking out at the turn of events.

"What are we going to do?" He asks exasperated as he paces back and forth behind his desk.

"We could stop this, right now. We can just let them enjoy their lives and get on with ours. Why do we have to do this?" I ask with just as much irritation as him. He stops pacing and snaps his scorching eyes to mine.

"Stop? After we've come this far! I am getting my revenge on that girl if it's the last thing I do. If you don't agree, expect Colette dead on your doorstep." He growls furiously, the look in his eyes telling me that he will do exactly that if I walk out now. He'll probably kill me on the way out too.

I sigh and run my hands down my face. He's been giving me death threats about Colette for the past two days, it's actually making me think he needs me. I've never thought he was bluffing though, not once.

"Why don't we send them another letter? She gets frightened when we use the riddle, so use that. Say something about how she should watch her back because the worst is yet to come." I tell him calmly, but inside, I feel the guilt eat away at me. I shouldn't be doing this, I'm not this man. I never should've come here all those months ago. It wasn't even my choice!

My boss found me half dead and injured to the point where not even my wolf could heal me. Colette wasn't in the best of ways either, having been unconscious and stabbed in the arms and legs multiple times. We had run into some other rouges who had a thrill for watching people in pain. Fortunately, I managed to get us away, but not before receiving a few silver bullets to my thigh and a whole bunch of other gruesome injuries I'd rather not repeat. They weren't the normal rouges, I can say that much.

My boss took both Colette and I in, healing us back to health. Colette was right as rain in a few weeks, but I took a little over two months to heal. I have scars of where the bullets hit, but that's extent of it. I honestly thought my boss was a good guy, until he asked me to help him with his plan. Apparently, the rouges we went up against never leave survivors. My boss was impressed and wanted me on his team. When I said no, he put Colette into custody and threatened to kill her if I didn't help him. Still to this day, I don't know where he's holding her and it's killing me slowly not knowing if she's alive or not. She's only 13, she should be doing what 13 year old girls do like shopping and selfies, not being held captive.

"We can't send another letter alone, that's not enough. We need something that will scare them, something they can believe they have a hunch on." My boss's voice trails off as he taps his chin. As much as I hate doing this, especially to her, I have to keep Colette alive. I would kill myself if I let anything happen to her that I could've stopped. Then again, I would be filled with guilt if I did anything to hurt or kill her, not Colette, her. I'm just glad I'm not the one killing her, my boss has that tucked under his belt.

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