MDA: Ch. 16
I sit on the couch wrapped in a warm blanket and staring blankly at the shining paper of the letter on the coffee table in front of me. Mum and dad are arguing in the kitchen, but I'm too zoned out to know what about. Auntie Alex and uncle Comrade are sitting on the couch opposite to me, discussing something quietly. Jett and Dylan are also on the room, flanking both my sides on the couch.
Dylan nudges me slightly, giving me a small smile.
"You ok? Do you want anything to drink?" He asks quietly. I nod my head, asking for some water. Dylan bolts up and enters the war zone, also known as the kitchen. I've never heard mum and dad arguing so loudly. It's a bit hard to miss with heightened hearing.
I lean heavily on Jett and rest my head on his shoulder with a small sigh. It's around 3 o'clock in the morning. Since I woke everyone up at around 11, we've all stayed up and have just been sitting around while mum and dad have been arguing for the last three hours.
I don't know what came over me when I read that letter. Just with the nightmare and the letter and what happened earlier that day, it was all weighing heavily on my shoulders. That letter could've said anything and I probably would've reacted the same way: like a total nutter. I'm just so desperate to be able to see Lionel again without this restraint, it's actually killing me. It hasn't even been 24 hours! I guess that's what happens when you have a mate.
Dylan appears with a glass of water, looking a bit scared. I take it from him gratefully as Jett shoots him a weird look. I take a small sip of the water as Dylan mutters, "Unless you want to die, do not go in there."
I chuckle slightly at his freaked out face, holding the glass close to my chest.
"Can't be that bad." I say with amusement, however, what I hear next makes the small smile on my face drop instantly.
"You know what, Axel? If you can't take care of our daughter properly, maybe you can't do anything properly! You take your pride and your bags and get out of this house! You're an insensitive jerk!" Mum screams, marching behind dad out the kitchen, looking the most pissed off I've ever seen her. Her eyes are the darkest tint of gold I've ever seen them.
"You think I can't do anything properly? How about you! You can't even raise your own children!" Dad screams back, turning around to glare at her. Mum's mouth drops open as she stares at dad in shock.
"You think I can't raise my own children? Nice to know you think of the children as mine and not ours. At least I don't ban my daughter from seeing her mate." Mum says a lot calmer this time, tears filling her eyes. Dad seems to finally notice what he said because he sighs heavily and runs his hands through his white hair.
"Celina, I didn't mean..." Dad trails off. It's then when I realise how tired and worn down he looks. He looks like he hasn't slept in days, his shoulders are sagged and his hair is disheveled.
I feel guilt eat away at me. It's my fault my parents are fighting. If I had just come clean about everything the moment I knew about Lionel, none of this would be happening. I hand Jett my glass of water, who takes it with questioning eyes.
I stand up, the blanket still wrapped around my shoulders, and walk over to where dad is standing. I don't believe I'm going to do this... As soon as I come within arms reach of him, I wrap my arms around his waist and bury my face in his chest. He's that tall that the top of my head only just goes pass his shoulder.
Dad stiffens in my embrace, staying that way for a good ten seconds. He eventually, and awkwardly, wraps his arms around my shoulders. I honestly can't remember the last time I hugged dad. He was never the hugging type, only with mum. Dad tightens his arms around me and nuzzles his head into my hair, getting pass the fact I'm actually hugging him. I smile slightly.
"I love you, dad." I whisper, really meaning it. It's not dad's fault that he banned me from my mate or that he almost killed Jett. He was stressed and his wolf was taking over and everything was just going badly. Too many things have happened over the course of the last three days, we all just need to start over. We need to start fresh and think about the letters, the rouges, our powers and, maybe, we have to think about Lionel and me.
"I love you too, Clarissa." Dad whispers back.
"What?" A voice snaps behind us. I step away from the embrace to face my shocked and annoyed mum. I sigh and run a hand through my hair that matches dad exact shade with what seems like the millionth time today, which is saying something seeing how there's still 21 hours left of said day.
"Mum, it's not dad's fault. I should've told everyone when I first met Lionel, then maybe all of this wouldn't be happening. It's not helping anyone fighting about it when we have bigger things to worry about, like these letters and the rouge attacks." I claim. Mum just stares at me for moment before smiling.
"You're going to make an amazing Luna one day, princess." Mum declares. I half smile at her.
"I would if Lionel was an alpha, which he's not." I remind her, shrugging slightly. Mum frowns, her eyes going distant.
"Clarissa?" I turn around at my dads voice, peering up at him. He sighs, looking hurt all of a sudden.
"I'm sorry I put that restraint on you, I never should've done that. I hereby uplift the restraint. You're free to see Lionel whenever you wish, as long as you're with either Jett, Dylan, Comrade or myself." Dad announces, sending me a happy look that he's at least made a compromise for me.
I feel like the heaviest of chains are being lifted off me as dad says those words. The ache in my chest subsides, the burning of my body cools down and my wolf howls in utmost delight. The hugest smile I've ever beamed adores my face as I jump up and down with excitement. I can see Lionel! I can finally see Lionel!
"Dylan! Come and see Lionel with me!" I squeal happily, tugging at Dylan's hand for him to stand. Dylan chuckles at me while everyone smiles. I see dad try and wrap his arms around mum, but she steps back and shakes her head, walking out the room. Dad quickly follows behind her, a broken look on his face.
"Clarissa, I doubt he'll be awake right now." Dylan says with humour, stopping me at the front door. I pout at him, feeling like a five year old. Seriously hating these mood swings...
"He would've felt the restraint leave him, he'll be here in minutes. I'm just gonna meet him half way." I admit, feeling a grin split my face. Dylan grins right back. Dylan hasn't met his mate yet, but I just know he's gonna make an awesome mate just because of who he is.
I burst out the door, still dragging Dylan along with me. I pull him and myself around the side of the house, all the way to below my bedroom window. Dylan looks at me weirdly, but I just smile wider. I stare out into the dark forest, the stars in the sky not seeming as bright as they did a few hours ago. I know this is where Lionel is going to run to because this is where he always comes and goes.
Sure enough, a few minutes later, a brown coloured wolf emerges from the trees. My eyes instantly lock on his blue ones and I smile. I don't hesitate as I run up to him and wrap my arms around his neck. I bury my face in his fur as he nudges my shoulder with snout.
"I've missed you, Lionel." I whisper broken, tightening my hold. His scent surrounds me like a cocoon as I feel my wolf finally relax knowing that she's reunited with her mate.
This is what I want. I want to be able to be with my mate without anything stopping me. I want to be able to do what I want to do without someone telling me no. I want to be able to trust my mate with all my heart. Most of all, I just want to be happy.
Is that so much to ask?
Ok, I didn't really like this chapter, but eh. As long as you guys did, it's ok. I know Clarissa let Axel off the hook easily, but trust me, Celina, Jett and Dylan will not. I promise you! That's just Clarissa's personality :)
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Love ya

Mysterious Discovered Accepted
Hombres Lobo"The sweetest of smiles hold the darkest of secrets..." * * * The triplets are back! Everyone remembers the triplets: Jett, Dylan and Clarissa. They were the ones who could charm anyone's heart at three and now they're all grown up at 17, still as...