Chapter 1

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My alarm was ringing, signaling it was time to wake up. I reluctantly turned to the side where it was places and turned it off.

"Just 5 more minutes..." I said in a sleepy voice, rolling back to the other side.

I closed my eyes and next thing I knew my mother was in the room shaking my shoulders like crazy and repeating my name.

"What eomma?" I turned and opened my eye closest to her, waiting for my vision to adjust.

"You're going to be late for school! Wake up! You were supposed to be awake 15 minutes ago!" she walked out after that.

"W-WHAT???" I jumped out of bed and I got a 5 minute shower, quickly put on my school uniform and brushed my teeth.

"[name] I made you some toast." Eomma handed me some toast and I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and said goodbye. I ran out the door, toast in mouth, and jogged about halfway to school until I slowed to a walk.

By now I had finished my toast and was mentally smashing my head in a wall for always waking up half an hour before having to leave for school.

"Damn you [name]! Why do you always do that?" I whispered to myself.

I got to class just in time and it was a new school year, with a new class, new teachers and a new seating arrangement. Technically you chose where you wanted to sit but still... new seating arrangements. I saw one of my friends come in a little after me and she ran up to me, giving me the tightest hug I'd ever gotten.

"O-Oy, Nari... y-your slo-wly... crushing... my i-insides" I said in a choking-like voice.

"Oh! Sorry!" She quickly let go of me, scratching the back of her head with an apologetic grin.

"Let's sit over there!" she grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the back of the classroom.

She left a seat for me on the left side of her and motioned for me to sit. On my left, a boy I'd never seen at school was seated and staring through the window. Not like he was of any importance to me.

"Quiet down class!" our new teacher said in a clear, loud voice.

Everyone went silent.

"My name is Mr. Myung. I am your teacher for the rest of the year." his voice was fairly low-pitched and he looked like a good teacher, but one you didn't wanna get on the wrong side of.

The day passed fairly quickly compared to the first day last year and it was nearly the end of school. No one had spoken to the boy sitting next to me and no one mentioned his name either.

"Oh yeah." The teacher stopped in his tracks as we were packing away and he scanned the classroom.

"We have a new student in the class! Please come to the front and introduce yourself." Mr Myung said his his low voice.

The boy slowly walked up to the front of the class and everyone was following him with their gaze. The teacher handed him a piece of chalk and asked him to write his name on the board. As he went to make contact with the chalk and chalkboard the bell rang for the end of the day and everyone ran out leaving me, my friend, Mr. Myung and the new kid.

"I guess introductions can wait a few days." Mr Myung dismissed us and we all went our separate ways.

I was always cautious when walking home cuz of all them creep guys after school. There were a few groups of guys and some couples hanging out as I walked around the corner a few blocks away fro my home. I even saw one couple kissing... I nearly puked with that one glimpse I saw of them. Of course they were the king and queen of the school, what's less to expect?

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