You like this guy?

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(Y/N)- your name
(N/N)- nickname
The rain gave a warmer atmosphere to the small café I worked in. The buttered Madeleines enriched the coffee bean air. It was a pleasing, mouth watering smell. God, I wished I could snatch one. Maybe later.. The French based café was more busier then usual. Filling up most of the tables. As cliché as it was, the bell that was nailed above the door jingled. Two adults stumble out of the rain and into the tan tiled floor. Leaving small water marks, I groaned silently knowing I had to do a chore. I traveled my way upward towards the stumbling adults that left watermark on the floor- "Hey, (N/N)!" Jackie or Jacqueline -if you'd like to know her full name-,exclaimed with a smile.
I smile as one of my response," What's up, Jackie." I said plainly, but happily. Knowing I was riding the wave of boredom in the Café, It felt a lot better with a friend.
Jackie plopped her hands on the counter (luckily she wasn't blocking any customers),
she leaned towards me."(Y/N), I want you to meet Serif!" I shifted my gaze towards him. A skeleton? Wait, isn't that the skeleton who kept on flirting with different girls around here? On the same day? Same time? Either way it was sick. Just for free coffee? Please. Our coffee isn't that expensive.
Jackie mentally prepared me for this. Talking about how he's like and well how cute he is. It was like a flash back from... What? Eight or seven years ago? Last time I went hay wire about who she seek interested in this ass hole guys named, Anthony. Real player back in the day, probably still is. The kid even dated her. Note the fact the guy asked a girl a grade younger than him before he asked her. How fucking charming. I analyzed Jackie's new part of her collection of crushes. The skeleton wasn't exactly how our skeletons were developed. His face was more human structured- like having flesh on his face, but it's not. His sockets had dark circles forming around it. His eyes were less of a round shape, but more of a almond shape- maybe a bit larger than that. Two chipped lines were formed onto his face. One travel down from under his eyes two his mouth and the other crack that climb it's way up to his forehead. In addition to his some what 'attractive features' (according to Jackie), his face seem to have another layer of marrow(?). Forming a somewhat substitute of flesh- instead of showing all of his teeth the 'flesh' would cover it like cheeks. Mechanically, able to smile and all that lovely shit. Dirty thoughts leaked in my head. Seeing his body naked... (Y/N) you are fucked up. Stop doing this to every person you see, I thought to myself.
Either way, magic and science is a bitch. 'Cause they are sure giving me the weirdest headaches,"Nice to fully meet you, Serif." I greeted him jokingly with a dimmer smile and a casual handshake- Jackie really was a chatterbox about her crushes. Taking a quick glance at Jackie, she was slightly taken back by my outburst of an extrovert. She knew something was up and I sure to hell knew too.
Serif gave me a smirk,"It's nice to finally meet'cha, sweetheart." Almost snorting, I quickly guessed his personality- it's a fun game for myself when I meet strangers. Pet names? Interesting, I didn't expect he would pull such stunt. It was highly attractive in my book though, I gotta say. He's a charmer, alright. "I'm guessing Jackie told you about me, huh? She say anything bad?" I joked with a smile- it was still dim. A bad vibe coursed through my instincts, telling me to hit him with some hot coffee.
"Hey!" Jackie burst through the conversation with a offended look. I giggled at her sudden outburst.
"Nothing bad." Serif stated simply before adding on. "And the fact she said that you were a bit of protective psycho." I chuckled, completely flattered that I was known to be a 'psycho'.
I flopped my hand on my chest,"Why, thank you~. I'm very glad that she called me that." I bantered with amusement.
Noticing my friend shooing off the skeleton, her face was matted with blush.
"You like him don't you?" It was obvious. She new that's I knew that, yet she refused.
"I do not." My female friend retorted with a huff. She tangled her arms together, crossing them. Jackie glanced the other way towards the skeleton and circled her hair.
"Jackie, this guys is a player. I have a bad feeling about him."
The gal friend of mine rolled her eyes. Recognizing the behavior, "You said that last time about Anthony.."  I couldn't help, but laugh. I knew I would win this argument easily.
"Right, like last time Anthony definitely didn't be a ass hole and made you cry." Jackie was offended at the memory I used against her. Guys are real pigs, aren't they? My brothers i
are pigs, my guy friends are pigs, and even my father- which he sometimes critique me on being a women and being not as clean as a women. Sexist much?
"Hey, he's different, ok?" My female friend defended her interest with a offended tone. Swatting me with the back of her hand, I flinched out of instinct.
Shifting my eyes away from her then back, I smirked,"Sure, just a few days back, he flirted with some women to get some free coffee. I'm telling ya that's a real shitty move." I cursed as I watched him from the corner of my eye. He gave me a smile. I didn't return it. That fucker better not be 'messing around' with my friend. I shuddered at the dirty thought, shaking my shoulders to break off the disgusting thoughts.
"You need anything to drink with you and your 'boyfriend'?" I teased with a Cheshire grin climbing up on my lips. You swat my arm again with a blush face.
"I'll get a chamomile tea. Lemon added. You know how it goes." She stated without a thank you- most likely gonna say thank you after she gets her drink.
A phone began to buzz from the other side of my counter. I jolted immediately thinking it was my phone.
"Wait, I'll have to take this. It's probably Jack." Right, Jack. I forgot about that guy, never met the new found boyfriend. I'm planning to meet him. I already approve since he sounds like a sweet kid according to Jackie.
"And you have a boyfriend Jackie. Remeber that. Don't need another one to fuck." I taunted as she glared at me. She shuffled to the other side of the room(where the window is) and hugged the phone next to her ear. I shook my head from side to side, "I swear to god she's gonna have a threesome or somethin'." That sounded wrong,"Wait, no a poly relationship probably." Which wasn't bad, people have their interest.
I craned my back to create her chamomile tea. I poor the boiled water in a measuring cup. Stretching my hand over to the bag of dried camomile flowers , I took a table spoon or so of the dried plant and set it on the boiled water for three minutes.
I leaned on the counter waiting for anymore customers or for Jackie to come waltzing back. Straining the tea in a tea strainer through a plastic cup. I did the other procedures absentmindedly.
"Yo Jackie, your drink is going to be right here." I stated while placing the cup on the pedestal where customers would pick up their chosen items.
I felt a small tap on my shoulder. I spun around to meet a familiar face,"Oh hey, Emily!" Emily greeted with a tired smile.
"Hey." Emily stated simply. Emily was the type of girl who would point out the bitch, but was a loyal and reliable friend to talk to. I smiled at her as I did a bee line to the back of the café.
I noted myself it was the end of my break and paid for the Madeleine's I snatched from the pastry displayer not to long ago.
"I'll see ya later, Emily." Emily said bye as she tied her apron on her waist.
I stepped in the kitchen and untied the piece of clothing from my waist. I hung it on the hook.
(Switching to narrators point of view)
"What about Jarif?"

"Really? We did this back in middle school. We aren't twelve anymore." (Y/N) pointed out as she giggled at the immature behavior her friend usually obtained.
"Jackie I question your goals in life." She teased with a crack of a smile.
"Oh shut up." Jackie pouted. (Y/N) playfully rolled her eyes and shook her head. Mature much? Yeah, didn't think so.
"What do you guys think, Lilly? Sydney?"
"Already dating another player, Jackie? Wow."
Lilly scoffed. Teasing her friend at her usual behavior. Jackie hissed at her as Lilly smirked at her. You would describe Lilly or Lillian as girl who works hard for her family and seeks to have a successful life after college is done hacking at her. The two had a friendship string with each other since third grade or earlier- it's getting hard to remeber the past.
"What?" Jackie exasperated, not really giving a chunk of care about their opinions. "I like him! He's cute? Isn't he cute, (Y/N)?"
"That guy is dead to me." The female hissed. Gritting her teeth with dislike. That guy really did hit her nerves. She'll kill him.
"You will see me on the God damn news. Then you guys will now what the hell happened to him." She threatened with a sneer.
"Aw, (Y/N)." Jackie cooed at your attitude. She was entertained by your bloodlust and tempered-protective side.
"See this is why you're my best friend."
"I don't know what to say about him." Sydney admitted. You could described her a tom boy (kinda). Most of your friends were both of the two traits.
"I've never met the guy. Why should I talk bad about the guy?"
"Wait, am I taller than you?" Sydney stated happily. (Y/N) straighten her structure as she was walking.
"Nah. I was just hunching." (Y/N) smiled victoriously. The blond girl frowned sadly as you were a ten or less centimeters taller than her.
"You guys coming to the carnival?" Jackie questioned the group of females. (Y/N) and the others agreed on coming. Lilly saw your unsure behavior,"I don't know. I might." She mimicked. The female she mimicked was actually going to say those words and she was going to stick with it.
"I don't know. I might." (Y/N) admitted. Lilly scoffed while the others yapped at you. Wanting you to be dragged along on, what they called, 'fun'.

It really didn't seem fun.
(First point of view- readers)
It wasn't exactly a wild event. The girls seem to be having fun though. The sun glared down hitting my eyes, I hissed at the light. Shielding the light with my hands, I flipped on my hoodie. The gang began to scamper off to another booth as I trailed behind. The booths were filled with traditional games with polyester stuffed animals. It was such a big event for such a small college. Little kids scampered around the area, around the age of nine through fourteen, most kids were with their parents- probably previous college students.
"Hey, (Y/N) why don't you play this game! It has guns in it!" Jackie suggested as she meandered her way over there.
"I'm pretty sure that booth had some pellet guns." Her tongue lingered on the words, "Pellet Gun". Like she wanted me to lured into the games. It makes sense and it's working.
"What really?" A bit shocked at the sudden violent booth popping out no where- since the school wouldn't allow guns or fake guns on the campus. Guess it was time that the school board realize we are mature enough.
"Yes, it's been years since I've took hold of a pellet gun!" I exasperated with a bright grin. It's been about eight years or so since you've used a pellet gun. I would like to feel competitive against anyone. Especially snobs and guys. It was a nature I had.
"Well, let's get started shall we?" I questioned with a polite yet mocking tone.


"Alright, alright, you win." Lilly stating in defeat- which she didn't mind. I smiled victoriously as I pierced a few cans. You know who would of enjoyed this?, I thought to myself.


My friend Sophia was just violent as me and Jackie- which I really do enjoy. We both have a taste in weaponry. Sadly, she is in Arizona visiting her dad. The girl would give you the hard truth, but still loves you.
"Do you know who would enjoy this? Sophia would love this!" Sydney exclaimed as she happily shot the pellets in the can. I shared my thought as well. Stating that's what I thought. I clicked on to the trigger as I got the aim correctly. The loud click of the gun was audible from a three feet radius or more.
"Hey guys, where's Jackie?" Sydney questioned as she scanned for our friend. Speaking of Jackie, she's missed a good proportion of shooting pellets at cans- that sounds lame when I think of that way. I knew would be interested in that stuff since we both are in the criminal justice department in our college.
"She's probably out flirting with another guy." Lilly joked with laughter. We joined in and continued to do a shoot off.

A/N: The girls in the story are just real life friends. But, they are gonna show up in several occasions. If you'd like me to add them more often just tell me vwv

Tropicalartistx is my friend Lilly! Idk why I'm tagging, but check her out! She's one of my best friends and a great writer! She's probably gonna make me take this down. I see you Lillian.

Pet names and bites (Gaster! Sans X Tempered! Reader) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now