Handshakes and BabyShower

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"Papyrus? Was it?"
"Yes that's correct, human!" The skeleton, one that fit into a familiar grid, but gladly passed your recognition. His voice was seasoned with a accent.  This skeleton known as Papyrus have you a happy mood. Like as if he doesn't care for your shit. He seems like a good kid.
"I, The Great Papyrus, will serve you as a friend!" He exclaimed loudly. Loyal kid and a confident one two. She actually enjoyed this skeleton's presence.
"Sorry, Papyrus I have trouble remembering names and such."
"Papyrus, do you mind telling me where you came from?" (Y/N) questioned curiously as Faith walked off to pick up the pastries the three ordered- Faith's treat. The scent of the pastry really got to (Y/N) and her stomach.
"It's fine human! What are your questions for this evening?" He exclaimed excitedly on her interrogation. She softly smiled towards the skeleton.
"I was wondering why you moved over to the city. Do you mind tell me about the country side?" She questioned the male skeleton.
Without hesitation, Papyrus smiled and answered the question simply," I decided to come back to the city, human! The country side is wonderful and have many interesting species. Most of them look like the monsters I knew! Such as chickens, cows, and pigs! Though, it was fun.. I had to leave my friends behind. I needed to fix some problems with family."
Family? Was it a spouse problem or a blood relative? The female didn't really bother about it. She kept her talking boundaries behind before it crosses over his line. (Y/N) was quite intrigued about his past of course, but let it slide like water under the bridge.
"Here, you guys. I've heard these are popular and I wanted to try it for a long time." Faith butted in as she placed the box of mysterious goods on the table.
"Well, let's dig in. We need to crack this case, aye?" (Y/N) implied jokingly. Papyrus agreed with a energetic hum, and popped of the lid of the box. The pastry was a deep copper and had a hard candy on top of the cake. The cake was doused with what seems like butterscotch and sprinkled lightly with cinnamon- probably a presentation ordeal.
"Oh, goodness! Muffet must have borrowed Ms. Toriel recipe! I haven't tasted this since I left!" His eyes sparkled at every bite. The orange spark in his eyes caused a confused reaction towards (Y/N). It wasn't possible was it? She thought to her self. Then again skeleton do have souls and emotions. The female picked off the top of cake and popped it in her mouth. Leaving a spicy, thick taste to her mouth. The cake fizzes out from existence making (Y/N) groan in pleasure.
"Oh, God." She manages to speak out.
This is amazing! I've never tasted anything like it!" The flavor played around on her taste buds and disappeared.
"No wonder it's so popular!" Faith peeped as she munched down on the slice of cake. (Y/N) scooped a bigger piece from the cake, letting the butterscotch clink onto her tastebuds. It was one hell of a master piece.
This bakery definitely left a good impression on her. As she munched on the last of the cake. As the three were don finishing their portion of the cake. (Y/N) began to pop some question towards the skeleton.
"So, Papyrus. Who was the one who made this recipe? Toriel was it? Is she a relative or spouse? Teacher?
"Oh, no, human. Sadly, you are wrong. Ms. Toriel is a friend of mine! She's also the ex-queen of the underground- a very nice lady as well. She's a goat monster and she has a human child, named Frisk- the monster ambassador as well- they are very kind and I used to baby sit them. But, they've gotten older. In fact, they are turning thirteen in a few months!" He explained joyfully about his friends. What a sweet kid.
"They told they would visit me they day after their birthday! I can't wait!" He added eccentrically. Faith shoved her hand in her purse and stirred it around trying to find something. She gave out a 'ahah!' as she fished out a item. Faith slammed the box on the table and slid it over to (Y/N).
Giving a confused signal towards Faith, she smiled." Fran and Mia told me you liked to smoke when you are stressed. Since you told me about the whole situation a while ago. I decided to buy you a pack." (Y/N)'s mouth traced a soft smile as she snatched from the table.
"Thanks. I really needed it."
"It's no problem. Just don't smoke too much."
"Alright, I won't make promises. But, I'll try to stop." (Y/N) confirmed for Faith as she shoved the box in the back of her pocket.
"Humans, isn't that bad for you? Won't you get sick?" Papyrus was clenched with worry. The skeleton looked at her with a cautious glare.
"I'll be fine, Papyrus. I promise you, ok? I just do it from time to time. My cigarette stock just was running low and I needed new ones." Reassuring Papyrus only made him a little less worried. (Y/N) swung her hand onto his shoulder and smiled,"No need to worry, kid." Papyrus nodded and beamed softly.
"Human, I have to say. You sound like my brother."
"Heh. Well, I'd love to meet your brother." She wasn't sure if it was a compliment or just some sign of saying he,'I miss my brother', or had a reminder of a bad past.
A month or so later, it was around the due date for Mia and Fran's baby. The three roommates decided to hop on in on the baby shower and have some fun. Papyrus was a sweetheart to Fran and Mia. Faith and (Y/N) had greeted with hugs. (Y/N) was sitting down eating some appetizers the couple had offer on the table. Fran greeted her as she walked towards (Y/N). The female smile and greeted her with a friendly smile.
"(Y/N), since you are here take this ok?" Fran shoved a good amount of money towards her. The money dug a bad feeling towards (Y/N).
"I'm not taking your money. You need it for the baby. I'm serious too." The girl said sternly towards the mother. The mother denied and continued to shove the wad of cash towards her.
"Look, you didn't give me a present. Take the money and you don't have to owe me anything." Fran suggested simply. (Y/N) sucked in her breath trying to think.
She agreed as a loser.
"I know you hate it. But, I hate it when you have no money. Makes me feel bad." Fran explained towards the girl with the money.
"Thanks for the money. But, I'm still gonna repay you. I hate being in debt." She retorted as she shoved the money in pocket.
"You aren't in debt, babe. There is no way in hell you are paying me back."
"Period." She added before (Y/N) could argue back.
"Alright you win, ok?"
"Great! Now, I know you love completions. Why don't you try to guess Mia's stomach size. I heard she's hard to guess."
Her eyes glimmered in excitement," First off your her wife. You know her stomach size. Second, wish me luck." She tailed down the pregnant. (Y/N) requested a streamer to estimate the measurement of the stomach. Pinching her eyes close, she estimated the size. By the time the measurements were tested out.
Sadly, (Y/N) didn't win. Simply shrugging as she lost this round of games. Another activity was no crossing limbs. Papyrus participated in this round. He pointed out many crossed legs and arms. Clips tagged him quicker then ever. (Y/N) didn't want another loss and was careful about her limbs.
"(Y/N), you know Papyrus never gives up?" One of the guest murmured. She brushed them off as you scan the energetic skeleton. No crosses yet. Competitors eyed her and her clips. Come on.. Come on, she though to herself. The skeleton was running around and talking to Fran and Mia's friends.
"Well, that was fun, human!"
"No problem, Papyrus. It was a fair game."
"Yes indeed, human! But, please  let go of the clip." He ordered politely. She unhooked the last clip with a sigh. After, the counting. Papyrus tied with another friend of Mia and Fran's. The trio left to go back to the apartment.

(A/N): Sorry this was a random thing. I'm having writer's block. Rip.

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