Family Problems (A short filler(?))

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(A/N): As stated this is a short filler.. Very short. Enjoy for a short time. Also I need help, I have writers block.
"Human, do you have knowledge that these cigarettes are bad for human lungs?" The skeleton pinched the center of the stick, his wrist twisted it around. A worried glare pits into your eyes.
"Sorry, Papyrus, I get stressed out- y'know the still looking for a job and class work- and when I do I smoke." She was rather irritated by the fact everyone was worry for her lungs. It was her lungs. Plus, (Y/N) barely does it anyway- you'd say one to three times a year. But, Papyrus was too much of a sweetheart to be mad at.
"I know, human..I'm just worried.." He sighed out. (Y/N) mimicked his sigh as well, but with a small smile.
"Look here, ya awesome skeleton, thanks for worrying about me alright? I barely smoke, and I promise you I won't die." She reassured as she nudge his shoulder with hers. Papyrus' eyes was filled with a understanding and kind glow. The skeleton popped off the couch with a heroic stance. A stifled giggle fell out of your lips,"Human, would you like to cook with me?" He questioned with a bright smile.
His emotions are sure molded easily.
"Sure-" Before she lazily answered the energetic skeleton. The mobile started to ring. Wait.. When did we have one of those, she thought to herself.
"Can someone get that?" Faith hollered from down the hall.
"I got it!" (Y/N) stated loudly as she slid off the couch and scrambled over.
The female quickly picked up the phone,"Hello, this is Faith's, (Y/N)'s, and Papyrus' resident." She joked.
"Hello?" A gruff voice called out. It sounded.. Familiar.
"Hey, uh.. Who's this?"
"Can I talk to Papyrus?"
"Sure!" She exclaimed and took her ear off of the device.
"Papyrus!" (Y/N) yelled.
"Yes, human?!" He scampered over to you with his excited smile.
"Some, guy wants to have a talk with ya." She stated simply. The skeleton hopped excitedly with a bright grin traced across his teeth. She handed the phone to Papyrus.
"Hello! This is The Great Papyrus!" The skeleton shouted in the phone. Poor person on the other line, she commented at the side. Papyrus' smile faded quickly. His bright eyes was climbing down into a stern look.
"I thought I told you to stop calling me! How did you even find this number?! Don't tell me you-" Silence fell for a few seconds as he tried to listen to the mysterious entity on the other line. Sweat layered on your hand slightly.
Papyrus interrupted the caller," All I hear is lies from you, brother! You take all your time on your work and ignore me! But, you come back and try to track me down! There is a reason why I stayed with Toriel!" He snapped at the being. The anger radiated towards the human standing right next to him. She frowned as Papyrus argued at his brother," You didn't even notice I was gone until a few days?! I can't believe you! Don't call me ever again!" He shouted finally. The phone was slammed down with anger. Papyrus pinched his temples, he sighed. "I apologize, for my immature yelling, human.. I'm having issues with my brother and I can't seem to care about him anymore.." He sadly trailed off. The human girl was hesitant, but proceeded to walk up to him with a hug. The skeleton flinched, but wrapped his bony arms around the fleshy human.
"It's alright, Papyrus. We have  family problems. I can assure you."
"Would you like to talk about it?" She proposed with a serene grin.
The skeleton was hesitant, but nodded.
"If you would like."
(Y/N) came back with some tea- that one of Papyrus' friends gave you. The cup's heat radiated towards her hands as she scuttled over.
The skeleton grinned softly for her kind actions,"Thank you, human." He took the warm cup of tea and sipped the liquid. The skeleton stared blankly at the polished counter, he sighed.
"My.. Brother, Sans, has been a lazy and pun loving brother. He's always slept and always ate at Grillby's- the old diner located in the underground- When he was working on a project to resurrect our creator. Our creator was a kind hearted skeleton, but a workaholic. Ever since the creator's incident with the core.. Sans has been trying to solve a way to get him back. But, approximately a year or two later.."
Papyrus was simply in his hero body. The skeleton stirred at the burnt and broken down pot. The water and the box-with the spaghetti in it- was nearly into ashes. But, as Undyne has taught him the temperature had to be as hot as lava that rested in the Hotlands. The chef and critic smiled to himself as the spaghetti was slightly soft- he frowned when the noodles were more or so softer than usual. Papyrus poured the noodles into two separate bowls- one for him and his brother. Papyrus was happy how it came out (Kind of), he poured the thin tomato sauce over the noodles and tapped a little bit of shiny, multi-colored seasoning- in which the human called them,"Sparkles". They stated they weren't edible  I doubt that! Papyrus exclaimed  to himself. He was very sure of this! His brother even stated it! The skeleton smiled at the presentation and smell. His gloved hand wrapped around the rim of the bowl. Vibrations rolled under his foot. The skeleton huffed in annoyance. His brother was being a noisy skeleton again.
"Sans," He huffed out as he rolled his eyes.
"My brother will awake the neighbors again!" Papyrus exclaimed.
"Where will he be without me, The Great Papyrus?" He stated proudly. The skeleton gripped on his hip with one hand and laid his palm on his chest- showing his heroic character. The rumbling began again, this time stronger. The vibrations crawled through the sole of his leather boots. His bones crackled violently as he stumbled back and forth like a ball rolling side to side. Worry struck in the fellow skeleton. His soul ached with his powerful instinct. The skeleton scrambled over to the window, the velocity swung him through the window. The skeleton was in a fetal position as he was busted into the window. The glass was shattered into many jigsaw puzzles. The winter like wind sped across his bones as he landed in the powdered snow.
The skeleton popped off of his positions and ran over to his brother home-laboratory. As he reached towards the door, the skeleton simultaneously hammered the door.
"Brother! Are you alright?!" He shouted loud enough that Sans could hear his wailing. Papyrus furrowed his 'brows' and knocks harder with more speed. The skeleton continued to wail out towards his older brother. He sigh, "I can't believe I'm gonna have to do this.." Papyrus mustered out and sprint towards the door. Boof. He ran back and forced his weight into his door. Boof! After the final blow, the hinges broke apart. Smoke began to crawl out towards the clean and empty air.
"Sans! Are you ok? What happened?!" He screamed down the stair. Papyrus scampered down the stair, trying to find his one and only brother. Yellow flared through the cloud of smoke,"Sans?" The younger skeleton cried out.
"Papyrus." A gruff and deep voice stated
"Sans! Are you alright?" His younger brother hastily asked.
A few coughs and scraps of metal scraped against the marble floor,"I'm alright.." Sans coughed again.
"Just different." He threw in. The paint on the walls were peeling and the little drawling of his creator, him, and his brother was burning slowly. Papyrus cringed as he saw the scared face staring through him.
"Sans! I'm getting you out of here!" Papyrus exclaimed as he dove under the smokey air. Papyrus felt his way through the smoke, hitting the metal table and knocking down voles filled with foreign liquids. Smoke sunk into his nasal cavity.
"Sans, where are you?" Papyrus coughed out.
"over here, paps!" Sans called out. The taller skeleton felt his way through the heavy sheets of smoke. Feeling a smooth and fluffy object. Papyrus assumed it was his brother. He was correct.
"Sans, is that you?" He questioned.
"yeah, it's me, pap." He groaned. Papyrus carried the skeleton.
"After, the incident.. My brother has transformed into a skeleton I do not want to see. He has turned into my creator.. A image I do not want to see. My creator was more crueler.. Impatient with me. The scientist who Sans calls,"Dad", is a man I do not want to remeber."
Papyrus sighed sadly. Anger climbed through his breath instead,"Sans has changed into a skeleton that I feared before, Gaster- my suppose.. "Father". My brother has began to work as a scientist when we entered in your world, Human. He has began to work to much.. It was like a addiction.-"
"You mean a workaholic?" She pointed out.
"Correct, human.."
"His work got in the way between our communication.. It scarred my soul.." He whimpered at the past thought.
"I'm glad I had this talk with you, human." He smiled cheerfully, his eyes and smiles were soft. How were Papyrus' eyes still soft like nothing bad happened in his life?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2016 ⏰

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