Staying over at an enemy's

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A week or two that had swiftly skinned by numbingly. You were currently scoping out for things you'd needed at the grocery store. Plucking out items and throwing some back that you thought you needed. Scuttling through the food aisle, you were at a good reaching distance between you and the spicy Korean noodles. Snatching the box of red plastic packages from the fourth shelf, you popped them in the cheap plastic bin. You could already crave the delicious item. Passing through the food item, you saw a familiar skeleton catch your eye. You didn't want to run into the obnoxious skeleton by the name, Serif. Not really in the mood to have a argument, you decided to step back.
Quickly retracing your step back to the aisle, and avoided the skeleton monster. You maneuvered your way around the other end of the aisle and continued your shopping. You hope you wouldn't see that monster again. Finding yourself in between the freezer aisle and uncooked noodles, you popped open the freezer. Feeling a shiver blow through your clothes. You reminded yourself to wear a thicker jacket when you come to the market. Hovering your hand over the frozen meals and ice cream. You had founded your item and stuffed it in the plastic basket. You were reaching over to swing open another door. You needed to fill your fridge with some more food before you absentmindedly devouring your food. Making you do the cycle again.
"You humans are strange. Buying frozen items you could make yourself."
Out of habit you spun around with your fist up to your collar. A angry and a confident expression shelled over your comfortable and relaxed face. Those kick boxing groupons would be really helpful right now. Serif, the smiley bastard, had chuckled at your reaction. He was filled with many gimmicks especially for a women like you. You could tell he wanted to make light up and snap at him. You only sneered at the skeleton and walked off.
"Awe, don't be so mad, (Y/N)." He cooed as he sided with you. Avoiding his pouting, you cranked your direction to the left. He could see your blaring annoyance for him. It was like looking through the glass of annoyed creature from the zoo. You were going to slash out at that damn skeletons, but you had many slots open of being caught for battery- you didn't want that on your record. Especially being caught fighting a monster.
"I'm not mad. I'm annoyed by your fucking presence. So, leave me the fuck alone." You growled as you turned away from the male. He still take you as your continued to shop casually.
"It's not lady-like to say all those rude and inappropriate words. It's in fact rude." He stated with a teasing smirk. You grumbled, annoyed by the fact he used the 'Lady-like' card. You only rolled your eyes, trying to stop his goal.
"Well, I'm not like other girls. So, you can suck my non-existent dick." You threatened. Serif only laughed at your statement making you feel more heated and defeated. Yet, you pursued to beat Serif.
"You are very crazy and I got to give props to Jackie for finding that out for me. You have that little twinkle in your eyes that gives out a risky look." He stated with a suppose mocking smile. It was more of compliment to you. Had he forgot that you enjoyed being called,"Insane"? You yourself remeber things that weren't much use until the right moment. A gift and a curse you'd most likely call it.
"Thank you! I really do appreciate it, I was really hoping some one will point that out." You chirped as you left the aisle.. With the skeleton still by your side. Taking a small glance at his face, you'd expected a surprised reaction. Only seeing what seemed like a mischievous smirk crawl onto his teeth.
"Well," Serif began proudly.
"If you were really crazy, you would be able to withstand my sexual fantasies about your sweet friend, Jackie." He licked up your disgusted reaction. You shivered at the disgusting thought. You were a pervert, but that was the split end of your rope.
"You sick freak. You would never." You retorted back.
"Ah, but I would."
"Try me, bitch." You growled at him. Serif chuckled deviously as you glared blazing fire towards him. The skeleton rapidly sweep over towards your ear.
"It's simple really. Just imagine this. I grip tightly on her soft brown hair. She moans when I do that and she kneeling on the floor." He explained as he palmed out two circles above the floor. Pretending that your friend stood on her knees.
"She skin naked and I yank her towards my-"
"Ok! Ok! Stop, I hate it already! You were right! Never ever do that again you dick wad." You interrupted as you shook your head vigorously. Waddling away from the skeleton, he continued to trail after you. You surrendered and walked casually your way down.
"You are a horrible writer by the way." You blurted out.
The skeleton chuckled at your reaction,"Oh really? I thought I was a decent writer myself."
"Yeah, no. Don't fucking flatter yourself, asshat. I think Stephen King would be terrified of your writing then his own." You ridicule with a chuckle.
"Oh really?" He retored back with his shit-eating grin.
"I believe so, sir. I'm also pretty sure every romantic novelist would cringe at your shitty flirting skills." You stated with a taunting wink.
"Ahah, very funny." A sarcastic tone brackets his statement.
"Aren't I?" You teased.
The skeleton had tagged along with you. He kept on taunting you with weird sex stories while you said, "Fuck you, I hope you burn in hell with shit." In fact, it was quite fun harassing the fuck out this skeleton.
Another week or two later after that market incident. You let the skeleton guy go...for now. He seem  still seemed to tip the scale over to a bad vibe. The monster still hadn't done anything to light your fuse(completely), and you were ready as ever to pounce on the guy. You were currently slouching over the bar.  Luckily, you were sober enough to have some common sense. Your eyes burned from the lack of moisture and rest. As you rubbed them it stung even more. Gaining a soft hiss of pain.
"Babe," The bar owner tried to flag over your attention. She continued to scrub onto the Sierra wood bar with her damp towel. You stopped staring off to space and onto your friend- who you had very little knowledge on, but still called her as your friend.  Fran had the habit of giving people pet names- it kind of gives her a spark in her personality. You like that about her.. Confidence was the sparkle.
"You should lay off of the alcohol, Hun. Your lookin' pretty tipsy there." She noted with concern as she snatched your quarter filled whisky. You just had a hard week and needed life to cut you some slack. Your bills are like the pouring rain outside, and your landlord is the that grumpy thunder that keeps storming at your front door. Your job as a register worker hadn't been paying well either. You sigh out of frustration and whined,"C'mon Fran. I really need some alcohol! I've been having a tough week, c'mon! Please!" You begged as you plummet your head on the polished wooden bar. Your begging sounded like (fake) pathetic crying. Peeking up at the female, Fran huffed with guilt and glared at you with concern.
"Look, Hun." She began with a guilty look as she stopped sanitizing her table. Unhooking her hand from the damp towel, she ruffled your hair and placed them on her hips.
"Mia is coming over to pick me up, and I know there are a lot creeps out tonight." She partially explained as she snatched her towel and tucked it into a bin.
"I was thinking we could give you a ride back to your apartment. How about it?" You huffed, still wanting alcohol into your system.
Fran rolled her eyes, knowing how stubborn you were.
"I'll give you alcohol on the house tomorrow, how about that?" She bargained.
"Ok." You immediately grumbled.
"But," You began another bargain.
"I'll get as much drinks as I want, and you can't stop me." Fran was a bit hesitant about this, but took the deal anyway.. With one exception
"Alright, but you will have to take the money I lend you." She retorted back. You didn't like to take money from people especially friends. You felt bad and felt like you had to pay up for their charity.
"Do I have to? I feel bad stealing your money."
It really was a kind offer, but you guys weren't even close.
The African American women smirked,"You have to. You need the money and I really want to help you. Hun, I just want you to at least have food on the table." She kindly stated.
"Fine!" You agreed grumpily.
"What time is it anyway?" You asked.
Fran clicked her phone on and announced the time. "A hour and a half after closing."
"Jeeze, it's not even that late. Why don't you close later, huh? It's a bar after all?" You suggested.
The female shook her head as she lifted her hand up. Showcasing a sparkling wedding ring with pure white diamonds glaring into your eyes beautifully.
"Remeber, I'm married and one is on the way." She excitingly explained with a bright smile tugging at her lips.
"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Do you know when the baby is coming? The name? Gender?" You shot the questions curiously as you gazed up at her. Fran was clearly eccentric about the baby topic.
"First off, we won't know the gender until the baby is born, and we aren't certain with the name. Finally, The due date is in about two months!" She squealed happily.
"Alright, alright. Calm yourself." You reminded her with some chuckles. Earning some eye rolling in return.
"Plus isn't it scary to not know the gender and all?"
Fran shrugged,"I guess."
"I bet Mia is excited." You continued on the conversation.

Pet names and bites (Gaster! Sans X Tempered! Reader) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now