Chapter 1 The Beginning of it All

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    One day there were lived a cheetah family far away in Africa. With two adorable baby Cubs, a mother and a father. The Cubs were always hanging out with the mother until the oldest Cub named Speed, who was a girl, came up and said, "Mom I want to go hunting with dad someday. When will that day be?" Mother thought and thought and finally she said, "As soon as your old enough. Hunting is very dangerous. We are lucky your father even comes back alive."
"Mom when is dad coming back home?" The younger Cub, Spot, who was a boy, asked his mother.
"Honey, that I don't know. But what I do know is that dad is in good hands with God by his side." Mother replied. "Trust in God and in your father. You understand me?"
    "Yes mother." Both of the Cubs understood. They knew their father was in the hands of God. But they didn't believe that God lived.
    "Does dad see God by his side?" Speed asked. "Is God helping dad fight our dinner?"
    "No sweetie, no one can see God. All we have have to do is believe." Mom replied. "Just know that God is watching right now."
    The Cubs were confused every time their mother told them about God. The Cubs believed that if you can't see something it doesn't exist. Speed and Spot were like that since they could walk and hear and talk. If we can't see God how can we know he exists? Spot asked himself.
    About an hour later their father came back with a buffalo he had fought hard to get. Father came back with no scratches though, which was odd because he always did when he hunted huge things.
    "Your home!" Mother screamed. "With no scratches! How is that possible?"
    "I guess God just made me lucky." Father pointed out loudly so the Cubs heard. "How were the Cubs? Did they get it. About God yet?"
    "No but I hope they're learning." Mom worried they were never going to get it.
    Dad sat quietly on the soft grass. He wondered when they would get it. Will they ever get it? He questioned.
    The Cubs came running out of their little hole where their room is and they started rubbing their heads against their fathers sides.
    "Cubs! What took you guys so long to notice I was back?" Father asked suspiciously.
    The Cubs ignored that question and Speed pointed out the buffalo to Spot, "Look Spot! Isn't that huge!"
    Spot was speechless he had nothing to say because there was nothing to say except that it was huge, but Speed took that from him. All Spot could do that Speed didn't take was gasp. Father looked at Spot with a raised eyebrow.
    "Cubs we have had a buffalo before about that size. But it has been in a long time." Father pointed out. "Don't you remember Speed? Spot was a little Cub then."
    Speed thought for a little then nodded to her father. But Spot, on the other hand, had his head tilted.
    Spot didn't remember because how little he was. He was about ten months old and now he's two years old. It was a long time ago and if he was one year old he still wouldn't remember because of his horrible memory.
    Spot never remembered anything from a year and younger. He couldn't even remember his first birthday. That's how bad his memory was.
    The family was silent for a time then Father spoke up, "Spot do you remember? I know it was a long time ago but give it a try. I bet you can." Father encouraged.
    Spot thought and thought and thought but he shook his head.
    "Sorry Father I just can't. You know I have a horrible memory. Just like Mother." Spot frowned. "No offense mom!"
    Mother giggled along with Speed and Father. Soon Spot joined in the laughter.
    Soon it was dark and they all ate less than a quarter of the buffalo. Even if they were starving they still wouldn't even eat a quarter. The meal was good for about seven more days and then it would be time for another big buffalo.
    "Ok Cubs time for bed! Wake up early tomorrow. We have to go get water in the morning like our usual morning drink." Mother had told the Cubs when they were finished eating.
    The Cubs didn't reply they just headed back into their little hole not even caring about saying goodnight because they knew Mother and Father would come in.
    Mother and Father squeezed their heads in one at a time and said goodnight.
    "Good...goodnight." The Cubs yawned as their parents started wiggling their heads out of the little hole.
    The Cubs, very soon, fell asleep nice and snug on the soft dirt that the Cubs created the first day they started sleeping away from their Mother.

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