Chapter 4 The Lucky Rain

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After the kill, Father and Speed decided that they should rest for the day and start again in the morning.
Mother and Spot were worried about Father and Speed. They were really thirsty. They had to find a close pond or lake. At least a little puddle as long as it was water.
Father and Speed were really thirsty, too. They spotted a source of water nearby in the distance and started dragging the antelope and their bodies over to it.
Mother and Spot found a little puddle of water. They were going to walk toward it, that means they would get closer to Father and Speed.
The source of water Father and Speed found was a river enough for a whole day. It was long and narrow towards the ends. It had a reflection of the sun beaming on it. Father and Speed gasped when they were up to the side.
Mother and Spot found more and more puddles as hey walked North towards Father and Speed. The puddles were four feet wide and four feet long. With the sun slightly missing it.
Father and Speed noticed they were walking North thinking they were walking away from Mother and Spot but they didn't know that the others were walking North also.
The puddles water was nice and refreshing. The water was freezing cold with small little ruffles of water. Almost like small waves.
The river was warm but still refreshing. The river had no waves it was just a plain, warm, and soft river.
Father and Speed noticed that the Antelope was at the perfect temperature to start eating. They grabbed the antlers and dragged him over to the river to wash him of just incase he had any fleas. Father knows that Antelopes get fleas a lot so every time they got one they washed it of in a nearby puddle.
Father and Speed were silent but worried about the others. They couldn't stop thinking about it. I wonder if I should ask Father if we're ever going to see Mother and Spot again? Speed asked herself. I wonder if Speed is going to ask me if we're ever going to see Mother and Spot again? Father questioned herself.
"Father?" Speed decided to ask Father the question that she was thinking about.
Yes I think this is the question! "Yes, my sweet Cub?" Father asked excitedly to answer what Speed was going to ask.
"Are we ever going to see Mother and Spot again?" Speed asked sadly trying to hold in the tears.
"Yes, I hope so." Father replied walking away from the river because they have had enough water for the day. "Let's just know that we have God by our side. You understand me?"
"Yes, Father." Speed was still trying so hard not to cry but it just came out.
They walked silently but instead of heading South they were walking South West! They were going in the wrong direction! South West is a place where I barely rains and there are no rivers!
They walked for hours and hours. Father soon realized that they were not going South so he stopped walking and raised a eyebrow.
"We must have walked South West. The trees are so dry and so is the dirt." Father pointed out.
Speed noticed and she was starting to shake. Father noticed and nudged her closer to him.
They were starting to get thirsty again. There were no ponds or rivers nor puddles. Father looked around hoping to find one but there was no luck.
Father sat down on the dry dirt and tall grass. Speed copied and looked toward the horizon.
They were soon going to thirst even more so Father put his paw on Speeds and he prayed, "Dear God, help us and give us luck. Give us rain or make and river appear. We are in need of thirst. Please God, help us live. Amen."
Speed looked up, "If God can't see where we are how is He going to help us?" Speed never understood God or Heaven.
"God can do anything just believe." Father replied after a silent minute.
After an hour rain drops started falling down from the cloudless sky. Then more rain and more.
Speed put her paw up and let a rain drop fall on her little paw.
"The Lucky Rain. That's what I call rain when I pray and it comes to life." Father blurted out.
"South West is where there is no rain, lakes, ponds, puddles, or rain. I don't get it." Speed said.
"It's the beauty of God. You never know what's going to happen next!" Father told Speed about God for a little but then their thirst became stronger and so did the rain.
They stuck their tongues out and started drinking 'The Lucky Rain'.

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