Chapter 5 The Golden Friend

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Once the rain had stopped and it was night, Speed and Father laid down in the dry dirt and tall grass and went to sleep.
They had a sudden wake up. They heard running through the grass. They knew it wasn't Mother and Spot because they were so far away, so Speed and Father hid behind little circles of thick foliage.
The animal, who was a girl, became closer and closer but they still couldn't quite get a good look at what the animal was. Then it ran even closer.
Father pulled Speed close to his right side.
Speed sniffed the air and ran out of the foliage. Father came right behind her trying to get her back behind the thick foliage but she didn't listen. She stood I front of the foliage very still with her legs wide. It almost looked like she was going to run but she stayed put and didn't move a single muscle.
The animal slowed down a bit so she didn't bump into Speed and Father.
Father could finally get a good look at the animal and realized it was a...Golden Cheetah! Father stood in front of Speed but Speed didn't listen. She came right back to the left side of him and went back into her position.
The Golden Cheetah went to a full stop right in front of them. She was confused on why any other animal would be in this part of Africa. She was only passing through to get back to her family. She was a mother of a family.
"Who are you? Why are you in this part of Africa?" She asked sternly. "Are you just passing through to get to your family, too?"
"I'll take it from here little one." Father quietly told Speed. "I am a Father and this is one of my Cubs, Speed. We didn't mean to wander this way, we meant to go South. We are passing through here but we don't know where to go from here. You startled us earlier when you came running."
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean any harm. By the way, I'm Golden." She said. "Are we ok? Did I hurt any Cheetah?"
"No ma'am. But if your hungry your welcome to have some of our Antelope we caught before we got lost." Father replied. "Oh and yes we're ok. Nice too meet you."
Golden smiled a small smile. You could tell by the look on her face that she was happy that they were ok and happy that she met some Cheetah this far out.
It was silent while they all ripped up the Antelope into pieces. Speed got her favorite part, the stomach, Father got his favorite part, the neck, and Golden got her favorite part, the thighs of the Antelope. They all were devouring it. I doubt there will be some left for Mother and Spot. Father thought.
Golden stayed with them until morning. She continued her journey.
"Goodbye!" She shouted. "Goodbye Father and goodbye Speed! I hope we'll meet again!"
"Goodbye Golden!" Speed and Father shouted back.
Speed and Father as well continued their journey back to Mother and Spot. Leaving the bones of the Antelope, behind.

The Cheetah World Book 1 The FightersWhere stories live. Discover now