Chapter 3 The Attack

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After Speed and Father had the perfect angle they just had to get the timing down.
At some point they crouched down and the went in for the attack.
Father went first to make sure there wasn't any other animals trying to hunt the Antelope, which was a boy. Father did a quick nod to Speed telling her she could quietly walk behind just incase of help.
Father ran fast and started heading for the Antelope. Speed could tell at that moment the Antelope would run. She came running so fast she was right on her Fathers tail. Speed came so fast and so much dirt kicked up that no animal would be coming to get her.
Speed slowed down a bit so her Father could concentrate on getting the Antelope. Speed was about seven feet away. If Father needed any help she would speed up and catch the Antelope.
Father ran up at the Antelope's tail and jumped high in the air hoping to knock the prey down but the Antelope sped up when he saw Father.
Father landed on his paws but went right back up to speed but this time faster. Speed also sped up because she could tell that if her Father jumped again he would need help.
Father was right back were he started before he jumped but instead of jumping this time he lifted his front paws up and landed them on the Antelope and dug his nails in him. Speed came running fast to join the kill.
Speed and Father dug both of their nails into the Antelopes chest to kill the prey.
"Father, why do I feel so sorry for this animal?" Speed asked her Father sadly trying to hold in her tears.
"I felt that way the first time I hunted with my Father but this is what he told me, 'it's the circle of life and one day you will be telling your Cubs that.'" Father answered Speeds question, "My Father was right. My Father was never wrong."
Speed understood what Father was saying. But what she didn't understand was where they where.
"Father, where are we? Are we close to Mother and Spot?" Speed asked her Father.
"I don't know where we are and I don't think we are close to Mother and Spot. But what I do know is that we'll have to drag this Antelope the whole way back to Mother and Spot."

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