Chapter 6 The Long Walk

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They've started there long walk through the dry lands. They were already starting to get thirsty. Father was looking around to find a source but he had no luck. We can wait. He thought. At least I hope.
Speed was looking around, also, looking for water. But she had no luck either. We can wait. She copied. At least I hope. She still hoped that a source would be near.
They were silent for some time on their long walk but Speed broke that silence. "I think I believe after that rain thing."
Father raised his eyebrow, "What do you mean by 'I think I believe after that rain thing'? You believe in what?" Father never understood Speed, - even though she was his own daughter - he never understood what she said. It was all just so confusing.
"In God. You know? Are you happy? Do you think Mother will be too?" She replied. Surprisingly, she knew Father didn't understand but she said it anyways.
"I'm proud you finally are. I do get it and I do think Mother will be as proud as me, maybe even more!" Father replied to the multiple questions Speed asked.
    All Speed did was smile after her Father said that.
    About ten minutes was quiet. They passed more and more dried out things. For example a dried out tree with no leaves what so ever and dry dirt and dry tall grass circling around them.
    "Are we gonna find water?" Speed finally asked remembering what she thought of earlier at the beginning of the walk.
    Father frowned and said, "I don't think so, my sweet Cub. After all, we are in the dry lands of Africa. There is a zero percent chance we will." Father frowned again and Speed frowned as well.
    They kept hearing noises that sounded a lot like Antelope and Hares (their favorite things to eat). But they never found any. That didn't matter to them as much as finding their way back to Mother and Spot or finding water.
     It's already been a long walk. They've been walking for hours and hours but none of them said a word until, "Are we close? Do you recognize any of it, Father?" Speed asked that question multiple times after the first. But Father only replied to the first.
    "I don't think we are close but, after all, you never know. I don't recognize any of it. I'm sorry, but eventually we'll get back to Mother and Spot. I promise." Father replied. He couldn't really promise anything. He lied to Speed but just to keep her from not getting frightened. He knows that whenever Speed is frightened she usually runs off. That's why he didn't want to say "I can't promise anything" or "we probably are never going to see them again". Any of those words, will make her run around everywhere trying to find Mother and Spot. Father did not want to go through that. Trying to stop Speed takes an hour so that would add an hour to their walk. No Cheetah wanted to have an extra hour except, well, Speed!
    "Are you absolutely sure about that?" Speed asked (like usual when some Cheetah said 'I promise').
    Father worried for a second on how he should answer. But he figured it out and decided to go with the casual..."Yes, I'm sure." Even though he wasn't sure about anything he'd said to Speed.
    For an hour of the walk it was silent. Speed was wondering if Father was actually true and Father was wondering if Speed had bought it.
    A loud ruffle in the grass broke the silence and, of course, Speed started shaking. Incase you haven't noticed, Speed shakes whenever there is a sound or noise that isn't any Cheetah she knows.
    A Hare pops out of the grass and sits. Father was tempted to pick it up and eat it but he didn't because he was too full from his dinner last night with Golden. The Hare ignored him after a minute and hopped along. Father watched the little guy hop through the tall dry grass. Then they went back to their journey through the dry lands.
Father worried. Are we ever going to see Mother and Spot again? Did I lie earlier to my own Cub? He kept questioning himself every time Speed looked up at him. Is Father right? Are we going to see Mother and Spot again? Speed questioned herself whenever she looked up to Father.
They both had a face whenever they looked at each other. Their smiles was not a happy smile it was a worried one. Their faces tilted a little bit, too.
They were happy that they were still alive anyways. They never really cared about anything else except their family. Of course, they were worried and sad. Speed almost let her tears out but she held them in.
     Father and Speed were silent. This hasn't happened for one hundred years. Father wasn't even alive then! This was Father and Speeds first time ever getting lost. They had a feeling that this story was going to be told among Speeds children and Speeds children's children! They would be history.
    Speed was getting bored so she just started trotting, trying to show Father what she was trying to do. Father understood that Speed was getting bored and he nodded. Speed started running faster and faster. Father started chasing Speed. Soon they were having so much fun.

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