Chapter 2 The Hunting Begins

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Morning came very soon for the Cubs. They woke up very suddenly to Mother calling their names.
"Time for our morning drink Cubs!" Mother exclaimed very happily. "Who wants to ride Father and who wants to walk first?"
It was a long walk to get to their usual morning drink spot so that's why Mother had asked that question.
    "I call riding on Father!" Called Speed so loud half of Africa's animals had their ears up.
Spot frowned. "I guess I'll walk with Mother. Like always for the first half hour."
As you can see Speed always gets to ride their Father first because she's always the first to call 'I call riding on Father!' Spot always walks with Mother for the first half hour. Even though Speed was the oldest she still complained about getting off Father. People might say boys take a lot more time than girls to be mature but not in this story.
"When are we leaving, Mother?" Asked Spot constantly every morning because of how excited he was to get a drink and ride on Father.
"As soon as Father wakes and as soon as I..." Mother yawned and then started talking again. "As soon as I wake up and I can open my eyes all...all the way."
Spot jumped around so excited screaming, "Woohoo!" And "I'm so excited!"
Why is Spot always so excited if I always get to ride Father first? Speed wondered. Probably because he always gets it first when we come back. Speed was right about that. Spot did always get it first on the way home.
The fun of being on Fathers back is that sometimes he runs at medium speed so we have a little fun. But sometimes the Cubs feel bad because they have to almost dig their nails into Fathers skin but it doesn't seem to bother their Father. The Cub with the Mother on the ground run along with the others so they aren't left behind. Sometimes it's a hour and sometimes it's fifty-five minutes to get there because of the running.
Soon Father woke up and when he wakes up he doesn't need time to wake up and open his eyes all the way. Mother was awake with her eyes open all the way so the walk had started for the Cheetah family.
Speed jumped onto Fathers back and Spot sat next to Mother patiently waiting to start.
They started the walk as soon as they were done getting ready. They could still see their den because they only walked five feet.
Speed was starting to shake, unexpectedly. She could sense something close that wasn't her family. Father felt her shake and stopped walking. Spot and Mother noticed and stopped, too.
"What's wrong my sweet Cub?" Father asked.
"I sense something. Something close that isn't one of us." Speed replied. "Father it smells like a..." She stopped and sniffed the air. "Like a animal of some sort. It smells like a..." Again she stopped and sniffed the air. "Like a Buffalo or a Antelope. Father smell and tell me what you smell."
Father sniffed and said, "What I smell is a...Antelope. Hide this could make a good meal."
Speed thought of what she said the day before while Father was hunting so she said, "Can I come, Father?"
Father thought, then he asked, "Are you sure your ready?"
Speed nodded and ran out of the hiding place, which was behind thick foliage.
The reason why they named her Speed was because how fast her little legs are. It started when she starting walking.
Father and Speed ran faster and faster. Father found a hiding place behind a damaged RV. Speed stood behind the RV and Father went out just to check where the Antelope was. Father hurried back when he saw.
Speed and Father slowly walked out together this time and started creeping around to get the perfect angle and to get the perfect timing to attack.

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