Chapter 2

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(Kris's POV)

The navy come pouring over onto our ship, from both sides. These were the biggest navy ships I had ever seen in my life, and we had one on either side of us. Shit. We all rushed forward, weapons ready, to fight them.

I pulled my sword, jumping right into the fray, with Russ right beside me, his swords drawn. All I can hear is the clanging of swords, the occasional shot ringing out, and cussing and yelling. My sword meets a navy officers, and I disarm them as quickly as I can, before taking on another one. I take out as many as I can with Russ working next to me, but it seems never ending.

I take down three more, glancing around occasionally. It seems like no matter how many we take down, more seem to replace them. We're severely outnumbered, and it's not looking good.

"This shit is never ending.." I exclaim, knocking down another navy officer as I glance at Russell.

"Shit. Who knows how many of these bastards are on each of those huge ass ships.." He yells, as he continues fighting.

I quickly draw my pistol, and shoot the officer behind Russell, who was coming up from behind. Russ shoots me a grateful smile, and I smile back, as we continue fighting.

I glance around, looking for the rest of the crew among the horde of navy officers. I spot Captain fighting with not with one, but two swords, much to my surprise. Cecilia fought fiercely beside her husband, the crack of her whip loud as she takes down multiple officers.

Eduardo was shooting officers down from his spot on the top deck, with Penelope fighting beside him, her katana moving with deadly precision, as she continues to take down officers swiftly and efficiently.

Chris was fighting with a sword, a rare sight, for the doctor usually fought with his hands. Luna spun around him, the eerily graceful dance we had become accustomed to, as she wielded her fighting fans, taking down officers as she spun around them.

Thomas was fighting with a real sword, instead of the wooden one he usually used. Allison stood behind him, working in sync with Thomas, as she shot arrows at the oncoming navy, while Thomas took out the ones right in front of them. Allison occasionally shot water at a few officers, knocking them overboard and into the ocean.

Nathan was trying to shoot the other ships, manning the cannons, while Arabella guarded him, taking on any that got too close, so that Nate could focus on the cannons. When the group surrounding her got too large, she occasionally threw a few cards, the explosion pushing the officers back.

There were still too many though, no matter how hard we are fighting. My blood runs cold, as my sword clangs against another officers sword, and I recognize the woman on the other end of that sword.

             Slightly tanned, with short blonde hair, and cold, cruel blue eyes, and the same condescending smirk that I remembered. "Still playing pirate huh Kris? I'm sure your dad would be so proud." She sneers, as our swords clash against each other.

              "Don't you dare talk about my father you bitch." I snarl, glaring at the woman in front of me, as I lunge forward with my sword, only for her to block it with her own.

              "I'm sure he's thrilled, his only daughter throwing away the life she had, to become pirate scum." She scoffs, as she continues.

              "The life you both tried to force on me you mean? Yea no thanks." I reply curtly, blocking her sword as she goes for my shoulder.

Playing Through High Tides (PIL fic sequel to PfK ) Where stories live. Discover now