Chapter 7

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(Morgan's POV)

I pace restlessly, back and forth across the deck, glancing out towards the ocean. We weren't far off from the thieves guild, but we were expecting the Fenrir, and to meet with Captain Funto, who had been kind enough to help us. He sent word that he had the dead man's chest, as well as Cecilia. God, I missed Cecilia.

"Captain there's a ship coming our way!" Little Dee shouted from her spot on the crows nest, where she was currently with Russell.

Sure enough, I could see a ship in the distance, heading our way, and it appeared to be the Fenrir. Russell climbed down, helping little Dee, to make sure she didn't fall.

The rest of the crew joined us on the deck, restless to see Cecilia again. We had just gotten Luna back, and after Cecilia joined us, we would only have one crew member left to get back.

The Fenrir pulled up beside us, and I could hardly contain my excitement, at the thought of seeing Cecilia. Captain Funto boarded first, followed by a very familiar blonde. Cecilia. She was slightly pale, and bruised, her blue eyes constantly scanning her surroundings. I know the entire crew was anxious to see her, but they held back for my sake.

Funto stepped aside so I could see her, while he carried a chest, placing it on the deck. I ran towards my wife, arms open to embrace her, but as I got closer she backed away, her body going rigid, as she flinched, shaking her head for me not to come any closer.

My heart broke, and though part of me understood, I couldn't hide the hurt I felt at it, which I'm sure was clear as day on my face. I fought the urge to cry, at not being allowed to go any closer to her, and swallowing the lump that had formed in my throat, I approached her more carefully, before speaking. "Cecilia... I'm... Im sorry." I started, my voice cracking slightly as I spoke.

Her blue eyes met my gaze, and though I was looking at Cece, I could see she wasn't the same woman I had known. "I'm so sorry Cecilia... I can't even begin to imagine what you must have been through... And I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to prevent this from happening, that I wasn't strong enough to save you, to protect you.." I said, not looking away from her. "I- i understand.... And I hope one day, you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I hope you can find it in your heart to be open with me again..." I trail off, the sense of guilt and dread consuming me. I had not been able to protect the woman I love, and she suffered because of it. Though I found no anger or hostility in her eyes, I saw a wariness, and though she might not have been mad at me, she was hesitant, and needed her space. I removed her whip from my belt, holding it out to her. "Here. Your whip."

She hesitantly took it from me, looking like she was at a loss for words. "I'll wait Cecilia. No matter how long it takes for you to be close to me again. I'll wait. In the meantime, take our room, and I'll take the spare bed in the infirmary, until you're ready." I finished, sighing as I try to regain my composure. She needed space, and it wasn't her fault.

I slowly walk back over to the rest of the crew, who all shot me looks of pity. Penelope was the first to move, carefully approaching Cece, the rest of the girls, and little Dee not far behind. The boys hung back, watching, and I found myself next to Eduardo, and Nathan.

Eduardo placed a hand on my shoulder, squeezing it. "She will come around with time Cap. Just you watch, before you know it, she will be slapping you and calling you a bish again." He added, smiling slightly.

"Thanks Ed." I nodded at the navigator, knowing he meant well.

"She's strong. She will snap out of it, given time." Nathan added quietly, as he watched the girls carefully gather around Cecilia.

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