Are you ok Mandy!

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Hi guys, I'm gonna try and make this chapter really long and detailed. Hope you like it. Sorry the last chapter wasn't the best. I was tired but at least I wrote you something exciting.😆 I wrote the last chap really late on a school night so ya....

Bye people!


It was all blurry. Their was a bright light shining on my face. I saw 6 figures. All blurry. I was breathing slowly up and down. I didn't want anyone to bother me. I just wanted to sleep.

/flashback but different P.O.V😆/

NIALL'S P.O.V (my first P.O.V!)

I was hanging out by myself in our apartment when the phone rang. Our manager picked it up. He was talking on the phone for a while, mumbling some things. Then he got up with the phone and walked over to me. "Um... Niall, you wouldn't happen to know a Miss Prescott do you. Mandy Prescott?" He asked solemnly.

I looked up at him from the couch. "Yeah....why?" I asked confused. "It seems she's in some trouble. Would you like to meet her at the hospital?" The manager asked. "Definitely" I replied getting up and looking for my other shoe. "Ok" The manager said. He started talking on the phone again. "Steve?" I asked worryingly. He looked up from the phone. "Is she going to be ok?" I asked. Steve didn't reply and just kept talking.

I didn't know what the accident was but I was really scared and shaking. I bent down and looked under the couch. I spotted my other black van under there. I stook it on, stood up and grabbed my leather jacket. I put it on.

Steve unlocked the apartment door and he started walking out. I ran through the door wanting to get to the hospital as quick as possible. I ran through the halls, ran down the stairs, my manager was fast walking behind me. I'm was like a kid going to the playground. The parents would always walk there slow but the kids would always pushing them along.

I kept running faster every time I turned a corner, looking back for Steve and calling his name. We finally got to the door. I jumped up and down nervously waiting for him to turn the key in the lock. It opened and I ran straight through. I didn't know where Steve parked the car so I just kept looking left and right. I followed in Steve's direction. I finally saw the car and ran up to it.

I was pulling back the door. It wasn't open yet. Steve unlocked it and I slid into the passenger seat. I waited until Steve got in. He closed the door and started the car. We started moving. "Ok. Which way to Meldrew hospital?" I asked impatiently looking over at Steve. "Be patient. We'll get there" he said calmly. Knowing that he was calm really calmed me down a lot. I really hope Mandy wasn't seriously injured.

Steve turned on the radio. It was us singing 'Best Song Ever'. I sat back and closed my eyes humming to the music. "Have the others got a call?" I asked nervously. "Yeah. There all on their way too. Don't worry" Steve replied. I was so warm and sweating but I was shaking also. I had a butterfly feeling.

"Just try and relax" Steve said glancing over at me. I breathed

in and out slowly. I wonder if the guys were nervous or was it just me. Luckily it was a quick ride to the hospital so we got there in about 10-15 minutes.

I tried the open the door. It was on child lock. "Damn you child lock!" I yelled clenching my fist. Steve got out the other side and walked around to my door. He opened it and let me out. I went straight through the hospital doors.

There was a nurse at the desk. I walked over to her. Now that I was in the hospital I didn't want to make a scene. She glanced up from her computer. "How may I help you?" She asked hoarsely. "Um... We'd like to see Mandy Prescott please?" I asked impatiently. Steve walked up behind me. The lady started scanning through files. "Oh yeah. Room 312" she replied and pointed to a door with those numbers.

I was about to go in when the doctor stopped me. "I wouldn't go in. She is in temporary shock and needs a lung scan. She has a lot of burns and she needs to rest with the anaesthetic we gave her. Please take a seat here" he said and pointed to some seats.

I nodded shaking and sat down with Steve.

I was so nervous. Was it really that bad? I saw the hospital door open. In came Liam and Zayn. They looked very worried too. They made their way over and sat down beside us. "How is she?" Zayn asked. "Not good. Haven't seen her but that's what the doctor said" I replied. I had goose bumps all running up my arm. "Oh god!" Liam shrieked putting his head in his hands.

"Don't worry guys. The most people you have to worry about is her parents. They were the ones in the house" Simon seriously said. "I know. I'll go ask about her parents." Liam said and stood up. He walked over to the front desk. "Excuse me. Could you tell me about Mandy Prescott's parents?" Liam asked nicely. The lady nodded and opened some files. She to P and looked. Her face frowned. "What?" Liam asked. The lady passed him over the files. He saw two pictures and under the picture it said passed away.

Liam gasped holding his hands over his mouth. "Oh my god!" He yelled. I walked sadly and slowly over to the guys. "Mandy's parents passed away in hospital he sobbed. All the lads looked at the floor.

Suddenly Harry and Louie arrived. They came running in. "Sorry were late! We had some papers to collect on the way!" Said Harry. We were all looking at the floor. "What's wrong?" Louie asked. "Mandy's in bad condition and her parents passed away" I piped up quietly.

A nurse came over. "All you 6 coming in?" She asked sweetly. Steve sat down. "I'll stay" he said. We nodded and walked inside. We saw Mandy in a white gown, lying on a hospital bed snoring lightly fast asleep. Harry and Zayn took a chair in the far corner. I took a seat right beside her with Liam. Louie stood up looking down upon her.

As gently as possible I rolled over her arm lightly and saw burn stains. The doctor was here too. I gasped. She had a cord around her nose connecting to wires to a breathing machine. It beeped every once in a while.

I waited there patiently. I know we've only seen her for a while but I felt I have some connection with her. I stared right into her closed eyes. She looked so beautiful when she was sleeping, like an angel. Her side fringe was weeping over her eye slightly. I reached my hand and flicked it out of the way.

I could now see her beautiful pale skin and small pink lips.

I just hoped she would wake up soon.

MANDY'S P.O.V (2nd P.O.V!!!😺)

I finally decided to open my eyes. First it was a bit fuzzy but I then recognised everyone. They were all here. The band. Where was I? What happened? I felt so sleepy.

As I awoke Harry, Zayn, Liam and Niall stood up. Louie was already standing. They all had smiling faces. First I thought I was in my own room but then I realised I was wearing a hospital gown. I gasped but my breathing was very tight. My arms stung. I felt burns running down my neck.

I coughed and finally managed to say: "Where am I?. "Oh you're in the hospital?" Louie replied. "Why????" I asked. We looked at each other not knowing what to say.

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